Well, to ft all these updates into one Journal Entry woulda made it a bit large, so I decided to break it down into bite sized pieces. Let's continue with all things Nintendo and look at my progress in one of the classics...
*Minor Spoilers Below*
I haven't had a huge amount of time to play Metroid Prime in recent weeks, but I've made some definite progress since my last update. The end of the game is definitely in sight, but I'm looking to arm myself a little better for the upcoming conflict. At our last chat, I was searching for one or two last Chozo Artifacts, and looking to complete my armament of Chozo Weaponry of varying types.
Well, I have since managed to complete my collection of Chozo Artifacts - after having a not-too difficult battle with an Omega Pirate - and acquire the last of my weapon upgrades - the Flamethrower. Combining that with all my other goodies and gadgets means that I now have every weapon, suit and visor available for the game. I've even managed to acquire quite a few Power Bomb upgrades, and I believe I now have them all - having not seen any for quite a while.
My main quest at the moment is to track down all the Missile Upgrades I passed at various earlier stages in the game. I have memories of seeing a few I wasn't able to get earlier, due to a lack of Grappling Beams, or other such item. So now I'm revisiting every area in the Game, trying to explore each section more thoroughly, to see if there's any I've missed. I believe that there's a couple more of them scattered around in some of the earlier sections of the game such as the Ruins and Overworld, but only time will tell on that one.
At this time, I now have 93% of the items available for the Game (just the pesky Missile Upgrades to go, I believe) and 93% of the Log Book entries. I think I missed Scanning a few of the enemies earlier in the game, so I don't think I'll manage 100% on my Scans for this trip through the Game. Wading through the list, I suspect the ones I missed were from some Boss battles in a much earlier section. Annoying, but not much I can do about it now. *shrug*
By my next update on this one, I should have entered the Chozo Temple, and fought my final battle to finish the Game. I suspect it's gonna be with that big flying bird-lizard thing from the Space Station earlier in the Game, but I guess we'll see what happens with that one, eh? :)
Part 3 awaits...
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