Gotta get it for the 360[QUOTE="hkymike"][QUOTE="Papadrach"] Gotta agree. Although i have BC2 for PC ;Pevil_pickle
This isn't system wars, go back to your fanboy hole.
Gotta get it for the 360[QUOTE="hkymike"][QUOTE="Papadrach"] Gotta agree. Although i have BC2 for PC ;Pevil_pickle
did you try a different cord? if you're using hdmi, try the component cable that came with your ps3. you can also try resetting your video setting by holding on the ps3 power until you hear 2 beeps.Nexustras
I would try this. It is what I would also recommend. Post us the results!
Well, I'm not sure about just this year, because I can't remember when exactly every game was released, lol. However, some of my recent favorites are:
I've heard good things about (most of these are on my to get list):
Assassins Creed: Brotha's In The Hood
Answering a couple questions would really help out, so that more people can answer your question. First off, are you talking about online play or just playing a normal game? If you are talking about online play, what games? I ask this because there are some games that are terrible about lag, or have known issues, etc. If you are talking about normal play, then no, I do not normally experience lag when I play. Occassionaly I would get a bit of lag when I played Dragon Age: Origins for a split second, but other than that, nothing really.
I mostly play Uncharted 2 online. It's about 50,000 players a day, I think (ish). but it's never hard to find a game.
But yeah, black Ops pretty much dominates online gaming at the moment.
Unfortunately, this is true. While I do enjoy some CoD now and then, I'm am certainly not a no-lifer.
So we all remember when San Andreas came out on PS2, arguably one of the best games of that generation, and it spent much time in everyones' consoles but when do you think the PS3 will see its 'san andreas' game (i don't literally mean san andreas, i mean a game of that calibre), or do you think its 'san andreas' game has already come out and if so what. I thought gran turismo 5 would be it, but couldn't help but feel it was just boring imo, and thought that uncharted 2's graphics were prasised more than it's mediocre gameplay.
A couple things here. I don't care much for the GTA series, however San Andreas was a genuinely good game. It was really the only one I could get into. Also, on a personal level, I don't think that GTA: SA was the best game of that gen, but a lot of people would probably disagree with me on that. Therefore, I can't say all that much regarding this thread. I can say though, that 2011 is going to be an excellent year for the PS3, so you might find your answer soon!
[QUOTE="Ninja_Zombie83"][QUOTE="Whybanme1"]See user reviews then. Venom's point is still pretty valid if you are looking for information. Even if you disagree, how could anyone have first hand experience for Mindjack when its not even out yet? You are on a gaming site asking for resources for game reviews. Heck I even gave you shiney links to just click on. What are you wanting to hear? "The critic and user reviews are wrong, these games rock hard (or don't) so go buy them (or don't)!" You've come this far, do a little research on the site you are on because what you are asking for is already here. I know what you mean, but a lot of times it really helps to ask people personally. I read reviews for games, then I read user reviews, and a lot of times I still end up asking friends about it. He's not hurting you in any way is he? Just asking for an opinion. I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that THAT was the purpose of an internet forum--to interact with others and hear others' opinions. It seems to me that instead of wasting yours and every one elses' time telling him to look somewhere else, you could have just told him what you know about those games. How long did it take to you look up those links? Less time that it would've to offer him a decent response? I doubt that. Or better yet, since you're not one to offer a service to one who has kindly requested it, you could've avoided this thread altogether.I did look at some stuff on gamespot. But I wanted some first hand experience, and the answering of my questions.
Thank you.
By the time you posted and waited for answers you could probably have watched and read the reviews for these games here on Gamespot :|
I did look at some stuff on gamespot. But I wanted some first hand experience, and the answering of my questions.
See user reviews then. Venom's point is still pretty valid if you are looking for information. Even if you disagree, how could anyone have first hand experience for Mindjack when its not even out yet? You are on a gaming site asking for resources for game reviews. Heck I even gave you shiney links to just click on. What are you wanting to hear? "The critic and user reviews are wrong, these games rock hard (or don't) so go buy them (or don't)!" You've come this far, do a little research on the site you are on because what you are asking for is already here.Dear lord. I didn't realize I would be flamed when I created this topic. I DID look at reviews and such on the site. I know that Mind Jack doesn't come out until January 18th, but there are other forms of information than Gamespot. I was just wondering if anyone found anything really cool that they could share with me. Same with the other games. I didn't know if anybody could tellme personallyas an RPG fan, and as a person that likes a good story. I was just asking a few peoples opinions, and if they could add anything in to what is here on Gamespot.
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