Point scoring in my opinion is worthless. I feel Kotaku reviews their games the way they should be reviewed. They point out the pros and cons and explain how they could detract you from the game and they don't have a score based on those pros and cons. Different people are effected by the pros and cons, an example...FFXIII being linear was listed as a con and reduced the overall score, however I had no problem with it so I enjoyed the game A LOT! Just list the pros and cons and explain how they could detract you from the game or enhance your experience. Putting a score just calls for people to just look at the score and cry foul or OMG BEST GAME EVA without even reading the review.
WildDangles92's forum posts
OMG this is just getting out of hand. PS3 trophies getting compromised doesnt affect YOUR gaming experience, so dont even worry about it.
I love how everyone is giving George Hotz credit for hacking the PS3 when really, if im not mistakem, it was the fail0verflow group. All Hotz did was release the private key
1: Uncharted 3
2: Mass Effect 3
3: Legend of Dragoon PSOne Classic (This may have released 10 years ago but I loved the game and I lost my copy :( I also have a hunch they will release it on the store as a PSOne Classic)
What would be your favourite gaming soundtrack?
Mine would be Final Fantasy IX hands down! The music in the game fit the tone and the themes to near perfection. When you enter the mysterious world of Terra, you are greeted with a melody that sounds just as mysterious. The World Map theme on the 4th disk is ominous and creepy, which fits with the mist laden world.
Final Fantasy X and XII imo aged well. The God of War games havent aged too well. KOTOR has aged well as well
This sums up what I was going to say perfectly, games like Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, and even X, Legend of Dragoon, Spyro 1,2,3 and Crash Bandicoot 1,2, Warped are games that I played when I was a kid and every time I play them now, I always smile, I really dont see that happening with any games now. I also feel games from this generation can never have a nostalgia factor, even for young kids. The whole idea of gaming this generation is overshadowed by fanboy rage and hype, comparisons and having gamers tearing games they dont like to shreds on forums such as SW. I feel that ruins the nostalgia factor for any game this gen. Killzone 2 for example, 10 years from now, when we play it, we will remember two things, that it was a good game but also it was the focus of some of the most idiotic examples of fanboy rage, review controversy and the likes. If we only remembered the former, then there wouldnt be a problem. Again, thats just my opinion.Not sure. Maybe Gears or Super Mario Galay.
Nostalgia in gaming is most commonly associated with childhood. Games today may be great but they will never hold the same weight as the games I played as a kid simply due to the fact that I was a kid.
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