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Willdyer10 Blog

Are things back to normal

So, elephant in the room; Holy **** it's weird to be posting a blog on this site again. Obviously you know what's happened and in a way I hope that GameSpot goes back to being just it was before Gertsmann got fired, I mean it's not like I've over video games. Video Games are still awesome.

But wait, the two sites are going to continue to stay seperate?

Actually I have no idea what's going on.

I'm totally going to get back into emblems though.

Seriously wish I could change my username on here.

New Graphics and New Faces.

Hey there,

I suppose some of you will remember who I am, honestly it's been so long.

Yeah, here's all the new graphics for my profile that I promised long ago, I think it looks much better. Now I'm not really back on Gamespot, I'm just sort of 'poppin back' to sort out some things are do a bit of profile house cleaning and to see all the E3 coverage. I'm gonna fully be back on Gamspot eventually, just a few 'logistical' things to sort out, heh.

So things have changed around here much. If anything this is going to be a sort of Last Chance Salloon, after all the changes the site team has gone through I don't trust GameSpot nearly as much as I did when I first started on here. But with everything, it deserves one more chance. After that I'll be having a minimal presence on here and I'll be shipping my stuff over to the when it launches.

Its been fun taking the time away from the site, but for now I'll be looking over Gamespots E3 coverage. Let the gaming knowledge flow back into my crainium! :D

'I'll be back'


Making a mends.


I know that I've not been seen in a while, but i'm here to make a mends. Lets just hope that this attempt goes better than all those other attempts.

Stupid TV

The TV that I have my 360 connected to has decided to start playing up. The thing is (If you don't know what I'm talking about just skip this bit) that TV doesn't technically support 60Hz but I found that after leaving it on for 15mins or the flickering would stop and I would be able to play, for example, Gears of War. Ever since I came back from holiday its stopped doing that, making it impossible for me to play gears of war. So the only XBL game I can properly play now is Halo 2... I trying to get it fixed, but I don't really know where to start :S

Ow my back

So without being able to play much on my 360 (as most good games are 60Hz only) I've been playing on the PC alot. I've been revisiting The Sims (First one, never really got around to getting sims 2) which has been alot of fun. And I have been playing Warhammer 40k Dawn of War. Yes I know these are all old games but right now I'm skint. Now because we have 2 computer in one room, one of them is in a very awkward position (When I saw awkward its not strapped to the celling, it just doesn't not on a desk that you can put your legs under) and thats the one i've been using. So now my back hurts. Luckly my parents saw that if I can tidy up my room I can have it in there, with internet! Woot! That means I'll also be ablt to play UT2004 properly!

The movies!

Over the hoilday i've been out a couple of times with my friends to see various movies.

The Simpsons Movie: I saw the advanced screening of this ages ago. Overall it was an enjoyable film, the plot was a little OTT but it was enjoyable never-the-less. 8.0/10.0

Transformers The movie: Yup I went and saw it... I know I shouldn't but people do silly things when they are with friends. Overall the story was Ok, it just felt like it had been done before. "Boy is a geek, has no girlfriend, gets special powers, saves the world, gets girlfriend, the end" 6.5/10.0 (Nice CG effects though)

Harry potter 5: This certainly was a good film, even though I'm not a fan of the books, It had a great story and it kept me in my seat. Would recommend, 8.5/10.0

Well thats all for now. I've got this week and next week then I'm back to school :( and I have to start all the work for my GCSE's :(. So I'm gonna make the most of now, and I'll be back on gears of war ASAP!


What can I say?


I'm back, from not having gone anywhere, despite not having posted a blog for a whole damn month. Sorry about that really, but all my work got the better of me. During the holidays I had so much coursework to do and all the other times I meant to do a blog I heard that Halo 3 Beta calling me.

That darn Halo 3 Beta

For those of you who didn't play the beta "You missed out on something good" and to be honest it wasn't really at all like a beta, there were few bugs (Although the few that existed, at times, were very annoying) and everything was nicely balanced. I do have a few comments about it though. (argh, why are bullet points broken?!)

The Graphics, although they have done work on them they are not "Woah" graphics like Gears of War but they do the job and they are "Noticeably" different. The environments look good but they are not spectacular. If they had made huge changes I'm sure lots of people would complain.

Weapons and Equipment, Bungie must have spent alot of time on the balance of these because they, well, very balanced. Now that the Assault rifle is back SMG are barely used at all, which I personally think is a good thing because I always felt that the SMG was half a weapon (If you know what i mean). Along with the new weapons and equipment they bring alot of new gameplay.

Vehicles, Unfortunately it seems nothing has changed(Well they got a spit-shine but thats about it) about the way they work but I'm confident bungie will add some new vehicles and features to the final game.

Overall it was a great experience (If a little brief) and it has made me more excited for the release of Halo 3 in September.

Project Dark: Zero

Yeah. I got that game. Infact I got it quite a while ago and as Value-for-money goes it was fantastic. I got the Collectors Edition for a mere £11! The games storyline is good and so is the multiplayer. But the Achievements are stupid, I mean 10G for finishing the whole story?! Most of the Achievements are for multi-player but I am curious to whether you can get achievements from just split-screen multi-player matches. I would give the game a 9.0: The graphics are fantastic and so is the gameplay, its just Joanna seems a little too "Blonde" and that annoyed me.

Well this blog was suppose to be a bit longer than it is. This is mainly because all the things I was going to talk about are now out of date. Hm Final words:

The 2012 Olympics logo is fine, stop arguing about it

Paris Get back to Jail dammit, you aren't special.

Church of England stop having a go at Sony, they have enough problems already without God hating them.

Gears of War, stop making me lose connection to the host.


See you on the other side


Becuase this is a short blog I'll leave you with the Latest Matrix Online Cinematic: 7.3. Its cool, Watch it.


Back to Basic's


Welcome to the slightly long and slightly re-named blog. A look into an Alt-Dimension:D

Back to Basics 

Yes, My Gamespot Plus membership has finally come to an end. This is mainly because of my recent 360 purchase and right now I don't have the money to upgrade it. But I will be going back to plus when I get the money because I like watching On The Spot in a 700k stream (which is what i'm doing now, and after you been watching in 700k for a year things look a bit grainy) and downloading game guides are nice, oh and that sweet gamespot ice theme. And to be honest I would recommend it to anyone with a spare £10 (thats how much it costs for a year) so yeah!


I finally hit that first Gamerscore milestone and it fealt good! I'm starting to like the whole acheviment thing (as i'm soon to overtake one of my friends who has had his 360 for ages:P) because it pushes me to get everything out of each game I own. Talking of games I kinda need some reccomendations (or a way to supress the urge to buy games before Halo 3 comes out) for a new 360 game. I've been looking at getting perfect dark zero or Ghost recon but most of my friends say they are rubbish (despite their high gamespot score) 

Long Weekend! 

Yay. With the bank hoilday (Oh how I do love banks, although I'm told not to by my dad) it makes it a 3 day weekend and it gonna be cool. On Saturday I will be gaming most of the day trying to get my gamerscore up to 1.5k, on Sunday I will be doing some more gaming, then homework. And on monday I will be out all day either watching Spiderman 3 or going to a theme park called Adventure Island (you might know it) with some friends.  But I'm not sure which i'm doing because I need to talk to my friends about it.

New Banner coming...

I have to admit now, I really need a new banner. So I will begin work on it on Saturday but it could take me a while

Gonna be Busy 

For the next 3 week I'm gonna be busy. Next week I've got Rifle Training (Yup Real rifles). The weekend after that I got a Geography Field trip to Edale, Which is basically a big long walk spread over 3 days and I really regret putting my name down for it because all it is, is a walk then back to a log cabin to do some work. Ugh what was I thinking...


And thats it. A new "About Me" section will be done by the end of the weekend and I need some help getting the crackdown co-op acheivment and I need to do Gears of War on Hardcore and Insane.

For Gamespot, I've been Will

Asleep am I?


Welcome to the kinda late, but kinda on time blog of Will.

Happy [Belated] Birthday to Me!:D

Yeah!:D Yesterday was my birthday!:D and to be honest I would have posted a blog then but, that whole day was just full of craziness and I never really got time. Well I'm sure most of you know this but I got a 360 for my birthday along with a nice selection of game: Gears of War, Crackdown, PGR 3 and yesterday I got Lego Star Wars II (Which is actually really good and funny). I also got a really nice cake (of which a picture will be posted when I get time). So overall it was a great day (well all apart from having to go to school :( )

Problem Solved 

Yep, I finally got around to getting a Xbox Live Gold membership for AltDimension so this will now be my sole gamertag and my other gamertag (AltWill2) will no longer be used, so you can delete that one if you want.

I also got myself some 2100 microsoft points with my birthday money and so far I have bought Root Beer Tapper (Good, but hard) and Geometry wars (Just plain cool) So now I have lots of points left and i'm wondering what game to get next, any recommendations would be great. Hm maybe i'll UNO...

Jeeves is dead! 

Yes, that "Friend of the internet" has now gone into retirement and so is now just, I know this is a bit random a thing to include in a blog but I thought Jeeves deserved a mention. Its sad to see him go.


Well that's all I can think of now, i'm off to the wonderful land of Xbox Live Gold

See you on the other side. 

An Angus Burger!? Is he crazy?!


And that has to be one of my better blog titles :P! Ok, right straight onto the business in hand.

Its Xbox 360 Time!

Yes!!!! I finally got it!!!!! YAY!!!!

So I know I said that I wouldn't get it till the 23rd but with my superb bargaining skills I managed to get it yesterday after a bit of homework (and begging:P) I finally got the go-ahead to open it. And it was cool, after ripping the box and various other packaging open and plugging in some cable's I got it all working. Then I started playing PGR 3 and the graphics were amazing, the detail on every car was superb and i'm enjoying it loads, then I discovered that you can play Geometry Wars in your PGR garage and that game is really good and i'm addicted to it, I should really get the full version.

Then it was time for me to go live and that took some time. First I had to move the 360 into the office (its the only place with modem) and then with some help from Andywilliams24 (thanks Andy:D) I got my live account setup and its a little different from what I had planned.

I had to create a new profile so that I could get my free month of Xbox Live Gold and that account is called: AltWill2(which is what i'm playing online with), and that account is only temporary and will only be used till the month trial runs out, from then on I will be using my account for Live called AltDimension. So when the halo 3 beta begins I will be using AltDimension as my gamertag.

Along with all that, I will only be getting points for the AltDimension account so you might want to add both AltWill2 and AltDimension if you want to play me.

The NEW Internet Channel

This morning my Wii was glowing a nice bright blue and that only meant one thing: The new Internet is here and its actually really nice, it has greatly improved performance and nice new features like improved scrolling and many other things.

So if you have a Wii, get it, before you'll have to pay for it (in June). If you do miss that chance though I think its worth paying for it too, but only if you intend to use it regularly, if not stick with your PC's web browser.

An Angus Burger!?

With all the ad's about it I finally went and tried it. I had the "3-Pepper version" and it was really nice! So i'd give a 9.1 because its really nice but the bun's not big enough and stuff falls out. If you like spicy get the 3 pepper version, if not stick with the normal one, "its just as nice but without the spice" (No I didn't eat 2, my mum tried the normal one)


So that's all for now. If you have any questions about the 360, New Wii internet channel or want to play me at Gears of War, Crackdown or various other xbox live games (like halo 2) just leave a comment.

I'm off to play some Crackdown:D!

For Gamespot UK i've been Will


EDIT: Finally got my gamertag to show on gamespot!Yay :D