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Willdyer10 Blog

Cool! Christmas is coming!

Yep, its that time once again the time to open advent calenders and look foreword to having chocolate every morning. Its about time it came around again!

As for me i'm hoping for a Wii this Christmas.
My dad went down to PC world and Comet a while ago and pre-ordered one from each (just in case:P) I did in fact plan to get one from amazon on november 21'st but the plan did kinda go "pear-shaped"
So i'm hoping that I can go on Friday and pick one(or two) Wii's up with an extra controller, Zelda , Wii play and monkey ball. I won't be able to open any of it untilChristmas though....

PS3 fanboys..
I'm not sure whether other people have been having this problems but all that I have been hearing is about that god dam PS3 all I hear is next-gen graphics this, better than 360 that and it is getting hella annoying....

I trying to explain the whole picture to them but most of them haven't heard of a Wii and they think 360 is rubbish then I get a long list of why PS3 is better, I have almost given up trying.

The Wii name problem has popped up again although i'm used to the name and I've got over the fact that it is stupid many of my friends haven't.
I say that i'm getting one[a Wii] for Christmas and they usually say "you're doing what for Christmas?" and then I have to explain what it is and I end up calling it the next gamecube or revolution etc.

As Jeff said "Although Wii is aimed at a wider audience, that wider audience wants a PS3 whether they are a gamer or not"
That is very true, Nintendo needs to get the Wii out there and tell people what it is and how cool it is!

I've had enough ranting for now

Its been a while...


I know, i really should make more signs to show that i'm still alive but I assure you I am alive and working hard.
Unfortunately I would rather not be working hard:P but you got to sometimes.

I managed to get an xbox game for 99p which was sweet, the game is RalliSport Challenge and I have been playing it and for 99p its good! Everywhere gamecube and xbox game prices have been dropping so now is the time to get a bargain.
I saw a gamecube with any 2 games for £50!!! in my local game and also Comet are selling off all of their xbox games for peanuts.

I got a trial for world of warcraft for £1.49 which lasts for 14 days so I've been playing that, but i'm not going to continue to pay for it when my trial runs out its not really my type of game and plus I don't want to get addicted to it.

I got some bad news....
I'm not getting a xbox 360 until my birthday...
Mainly because at the moment, the most I can afford is the core system, which I don't really want and its much cheaper (in a way) to get the premium system, plus it has xbox live so now I gotta wait until April.....:cry:
At lest then I will be able to get lots of games and xbox live gold, I guess i just gotta keep telling myself that.....

I'm gonna end so until the next blog.
c ya!

Well I guess lazyness get the better of us sometimes...


As i'm sure you have noticed I haven't been on much and to the people who will ask why, its really just been lazyness and school work so erm sorry for not really being on much, but from now on I will try to make more time for gamespot between gaming and school work.

I got a new emblem as you can see, if you want it go on the gamespace for mortal kombat and click on the competition oh and I did try to get the TGS emblem and the way you got it was watching the live feed of TGS but because of where i live the live show was at 2:00am so I said that I would try and get it. (yep that was a sad thing to do) So I set my DS alarm for 1:50am but somehow I managed to turn off my DS alarm in my sleep TWICE!! I guess I like sleep more than I think... Well the reason I'm telling you this because, one its a bit weird that I can turn my alarm off in my sleep and that I don't really have anything else to say in my blog.
Well C ya!

My Friend Codes


This is not really a blog, just a post that has my Friend codes for DS Wi-Fi connection. Its just a refrence that has my codes in.

Metroid Prime Hunters: 2062-2678-7331
Mario Kart DS: 3307-7376-2000
Tetris DS: 8235-4938-7033
Tony Hawks: American Sk8land: 5068-8267-1378


Wii Friend Code: 8807-0685-5628-7879

Comment if you add me.


Day off!!!! W00t!!!

Yep, tommrow my school is closed for the whole day w00t! So thats great! My friend is coming round for the day and hopefully i'll do some sort of crazyness blog.
Wii is coming eh? cool! december 8th! I personally can wait, as soon as you can pre-order i'm gonna do it. Zelda at launch too, sweet!
TGS is coming up too, i wont be able to watch the show live, cos its on at 1am for me:(
Well thats all i can think of now
C ya


Just a super quick blog to say i have x-fire! so add me. user name altdimension.
C ya

Express Funding

Yep, my blog title is strange but its about 2 different things. I'm gonna start with the second word in my blog title Funding. I have been saving up and gathering money to get an xbox 360 and at this very moment in time I have £105, which is good for because usually it takes me ages to get that kind of money. That money has been put safely in my bank account where i cannot spend it (money burns a hole in my pocket :oops: ) I don't think i'll get enough money before Christmas so maybe that money will be for games and xbox live money, i don't know yet.

On to the first word in my blog title express. About 5mins ago my mum told me that my grandad had bought me a trip around the daily express(its a newspaper) and this is really weird because my grandad never gets me anything and he forgets my birthday and when he doesn't he usually buys me the same thing he got me last year. I'm not sure to look foreword to the trip or not so erm....erm.
Ok well i guess that wraps it up, i gotta go and do all this homework that i got:(
C ya

Woot! Emblems!

I just got back from school and it went a little better than I thought... I now know who my teachers for my GCSE courses are and they are all ok. Today was an kinda easy day:) all we did was get down what lessons we were having and when, i did go to a few lessons and they were easy we just got told whats happening. I forgot to say that my little brother was starting secondary school so he's on the bus with me which was ok. Unfortunately I got a lot of work ahead of me:( but i'm sure i can manage:D

Enough about me onto emblems!:D
I actually got these emblems yesterday but i forgot to say
Speed Runner
Walking commercial
I guess its for uploading some good videos which is good, the only other one i need now is the video  blog one  so i guess i better get video blogging!

PS3 gets pushed back in the Europe well i guess thats just typical us brits always get the short straw:( but to be honest i don't care too much as i don't really want one, it seems that everything is gonna be too pricey for it and it doesn't really have any games i like...
I got nothing else to say but: "I want an xbox 360!" so
C ya

Oh Crap, School

Unfortunaly for me I have got to go back to school tomorrow which is when I start preparing for GCSE exams so erm thats great:? Well I guess its ok the next holiday isn't too far away. My holiday has been good played loads of games, done loads of stuff and been out with my mates.

E3 is dead eh? I cant say i saw that one coming its a bit of a disappointment really, I was hoping it would go on for ever so one day I could go there, maybe some other games event will turn into the new E3. Meh

Has anyone noticed the updates gamespot has been dishing out, for instance you can now tag my blog and you can tag union news, also my profile has links to my and profiles which by the way i don't use, so there is nothing on them.

Erm... trying to think of something to say to make think a bit longer...erm... Been playing the matrix online loads...erm
The new gamespot ice skin is really nice...erm ok i'm gonna stop trying now, I guess i'm off to pack my bag for school
so.... c ya
EDIT: Just uploaded this video, Watch it! its funny.

No i'm not dead!

Its been 3 weeks since my last blog post and I suppose some of you are wondering where I have been, and in answer to that question nowhere. lol. In the last week I've been at home playing games 3 of which i got on holiday at great prices!
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (DS) £19.99!!
Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) £10!!!!
Forza Motorsport (Xbox) £5!!!!

So I've been playing them and so far I have only completed American Sk8land which was a great game and i would recommend it! Forza and ninja gaiden are good games as well.
As well as playing those games I have also been playing the matrix online which is good as well.
Tomorrow i'm going around my mates house so i wont be on tomorrow.
Cant really think of anything else to mention at the mo, oh wait i'm gonna try and do a video blog some time on Wednesday so look at for that. Erm thats everything so
C ya