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Willdyer10 Blog



This is gonna be a short blog as i'm a bit tired because i've just been swimming with my friends for 3 hours


My parents went out and got me the Xbox 360 with Crackdown, Gears of War, PGR 3 and an extra controller! and for the past 15mins I've just been sitting there looking at it and I won't be able to play it until 23rd April:cry:  So all I can do now is wait, and hope that time passes quickly (and I mean very quickly). This whole thing isn't helped by the fact that I have lots of Homework to do and my holiday is over soon.


Yes! but for the first time i'm glad I didn't get too many Easter eggs. Mainly because it usually takes me ages to eat them (yea i'm weird like that, i don't eat chocolate quickly) and for some reason I don't like chocolate all that much anymore. Again not helped by the fact that my 360 is in the house and I can't play it. :cry:again

There you go, that was short and I can't think of anything else to talk about. So i'm off to go stare at some 360 boxes:roll:

For Gamespot UK i've been Will 

The countdown begins


Where Have I been?

Not been blogging for 3 weeks after I said that would do one every week. Well, what can I say I've been busy what with work expereince, which was great really! It took a bit of getting used to working at an opticians but after that was over it was great! The people there were really nice. I tried on (and cleaned) endless pairs of glasses and I also tried on contact lenses which was weird but to be honest if I did need glasses I would probably get contact lenses. At the end of it all I got £40 (Which will go towards my 360 fund) a big easter egg, tub of sweets and maybe a job when i'm 16 w00t. Well ok the job part may not sound all that good but i'm looking foreward to getting more money :D.

New Editor 

Just to comment, this new editor is a bit werid (its much like the one SOE uses for its forums) and its hard to tell how much I have atcually written, i mean how much space it will take up on gamespot. Erm if that makes sence. :S


I'm currently on holiday for 2 weeks and by the end of that i'll have been away from school for 5 weeks! But as for the holidays so far its been good. Went out with some friends yestarday and ended up seeing Mr Beans Holiday and it was better than I thought, I mean I won't reccomened it but its not the worse thing you could go and see. 

My Birthday! 

Yep, its coming... On 23rd of April I will be 15, and I will also (finally) get myslef a 360. I've found a sweet deal from the most unlikely of places. Woolworths have a bundle that includes: A Premium 360, Crackdown, Gears of War, PGR 3 and a second wireless controller all of £299.99, so that what I'll be getting. After seeing the elite 360 though I was thinking of getting it, with its 120GB HD and a HDMI output but after much deliberation I decided against it for many reasons really:

  1. I would have to wait for it to come over to the UK (Which will probably take ages, and I don't like waiting)
  2. Higher cost would mean I would get less games (and thats not good)
  3. I don't atcually have a HD tv yet, so there wouldn't be much use for the HDMI cable and port (and I dont think i'll be getting a HD tv till christmas)

So thats that. The countdown begins, just 19 days to go, shame my birthday is on a monday...

The End

This is the end of my blog for another week, I have decided I will try and do this weekly and maybe one during the week if I can. Also I still can't get my gamertag to work on gamespot so i'll post it here, feel free to add me.

So for Gamespot I've been Will

C ya. 

Woah! How could I...? But maybe...? Dam!

Aw man!

I just can't believe it!

I missed my Gamespot Anniversary!

My account became 2 years old and I just missed it! Dam!
Ah well, Might as well celebrate now:D
Well after 2 years of playing gamespot (:P) here are my posting stats. You can see the others in my profile.

My account History
Well, this account was created before the Gamespot redesign and as I remember I created the account purely out of curiosity. It was back when the Internet was new (to me) and I was looking around and came across this site when I was looking for Xbox games guides.
I registered because (I think) the site told me to :P when I started using it I was completely overwhelmed by it. I saw the emblems, leveling system and forums and was instantly lost as a result. I never used it until the Gamespot overhaul and the rest is history. I now use this account almost every day and I am regularly posting and constantly looking for new emblems.

Recent Happenings
On Sunday I went to Commit and picked up 3 great value xbox games.
Conker: Live and reloaded - £10
King Kong - £5
Pyriah - £2.99!!
So far they were all good buys mostly because of the insane price. Conker looks the best and Pyriah seems good despite its gamespot review

Best and Worst 07 Emblem
I know we all got these ages ago but I forgot to say how very disappointed with it I am. I was hoping that it would be like the last ones but apparently not...
Very Disappointing gamespot

Ugh. I have mock GCSE exams beginning on Thursday which is just great....

But on the other hand
After the exam I will have my work experience! Which is kinda great. No school for 3 weeks then after that I'm on easter holidays for 2 weeks.
I will be working at templemans opticians which isn't too bad, well in fact it was the best placement I could get. Work experience mean I will be working 9-5 mon-friday and 9-4 on Wednesday. This means I don't have to get up at 7am any more!

Looks like a nice road ahead, and My birthday is in april which mean 360!
So for gamespot, i've been Will

SNOW! + Picts!!!!

Hm. I didn't expect to be blogging again so soon but I think I have to.
I have snow!! Infact its snowing heavily now!
So have a look at these picts:
Ok these are picts before i've gone outside

Back of my house

Back of my house. again

Front of my house

Ok, thats all for now.
I gonna eat breakfast, go in the snow for hours then take picts and the i'll upload them.

Watch this space

Time to Blog

In light of recent and future events I think its about time I did another blog.

Well almost... According to most of my friends and my geography teacher(who isn't my friend) a massive amount of snow is going to hit britain, which would hopefully mean no school! Which is great. It mean that I will go into the field and jump the fence into the golf course, which is THE best place to be when it snows! But i'm not keeping my hopes up because well I doubt it will happen.

Work Experience
Its taken ages for me to actually get a job after trying 12 companies I've finally got a placement. I'm working at an opticians for 3 weeks which is OK and to be honest i'm just glad I actually got a placement.
When I first saw that I got a placement I thought great! no homework, i can go anywhere to eat lunch and the best thing of all no homework which equals more gaming. The only problem with the job that I got was that I have to work on Saturdays...

The Road Ahead
Dam. That road just keeps getting steeper, in 3 weeks I have my mock GCSE exams and I have my maths coursework and my statistics coursework. I also have to do a project on global warming for science. Yay....

Hm when I started this blog I had loads to talk about, but its all gone. Oh well, if you have Wii questions just ask and I got Warioware: Smooth Moves which is crazy.

For Gamespot I've been Will.

Today is Today and Tomorrow is Friday!

First off i'm trying a new method of blogging, well actuallyly its not a new method it just has titles, like this:

That Dammed Wii
Ah yes, that thing has been the bain of my life for the past few weeks. I've been from loving it to hating it and to not really caring anymore...

But finally I went out and got the dammed thing, yep you read right I have a Wii. Its kinda weird where I got it from, I still haven't heard from PC World about my pre-order and I guess now I don't care.
I was in southend(its a town in Essex) on Saturday buying stuff for school in WHSmith (they usually sell stationary and stuff) and I saw that they has some empty Wii display boxes I couldn't see any "Not in stock, Go away" signs so I thought "what the hell" and went up to the counter and asked. 2 mins later a man came down with a shiny white box and wii play(which I had been looking for, for ages) so I bought it! along with Zelda.Which was great (I know I had been saying in my last blog that I didn't care anymore well I guess I changed my mind) (but don't worry I still have lots of money for a 360 too, so things are still good:)

Well now I have one I guess I have to talk about it, so I will.
Ok here goes.
When I opened it in the car (nope I couldn't wait:P) its very nicely packaged the Wii console controller and cables are in one section and the console and power pack is in another section and the actually Wii is heavy-ish its just a bit lighter than a normal xbox. So after setting it up and plugging stuff in the nice blue light on the Wii lit up and after 2 updates I started playing Wii sports and when I first played tennis with my bro it was dam cool. Its takes you a while to get used to the Wii but after you do its great. I talk more about my Wii impressions in my next blog.
If anyone has any questions please ask!

Tagger King
Yep I got there. I think it was like 20mins after posting my last blog I got it. And the number of tags you need is 800 not 1000 so if you want that emblem get to 800 tags. Now I have no reason to tag anymore.

Tomorrow is Friday
Dam when I started this blog I had loads of things to talk about now they have all gone. Well Anyway tomorrow is Friday and that means the start of lots of game playing especially Friday and on Saturday the news channel launches on the Wii so thats cool.

Gamer Tag
Yea, I still don't have it working on gamespot and I can't figure out why. If you have a gamer tag and you are reading this what do you put in the Gamer Tag field in prefs. I put in is that right? Help aprished.

Text Clips
Yea I found out what it does! It is used to put in things you say alot so you click on the text clips and it will put in whatever you have written in your prefs.

Last but not least that About Me section
Yea the about me thing. I'm gonna change it. For one i'm gonna put a picture of my Mii on it and re-write the about me because the last one was stupid.

Ok so thats the end for now. What do you think of the new-ish method of blogging? So for Gamespot i've been Will
C ya

Dam! Its Windy.

Yep long time since I last did a blog, its not that i'm not on gamespot its just that i'm not really into blogging a whole lot anymore.

Today it was windy, it was very windy. In fact it may have been the windiest day of my life.
Power at my house had apparently been out for most of the day and as soon as I came in from school the power came back on which is great! Its kinda a shame the power wasn't out at school.

So Christmas, yep i know it was ages ago but I still don't have a Wii and at this point I don't really care anymore, my Wii love died and so I'm thinking if it doesn't come this month then I'm not gonna get one I'll just get the money and use that money for my Xbox 360 (when I get it in April) In fact yeah thats a good idea.
I almost forgot I have made myslef a gamer tag in preparetion but for some reason its not showing up so I will get around to fixing that, the name is AltDimension so add me if you want(yep I really like that name, mainly because I thought of it and I think its cool)

Hm what else can I say....
Oh yeah i'm finally level 22! It took me a hell of a long time to get there but now my leveling seems to be going smoothly so hoping to hit level 23 by the end of the month. I kinda which they have done more with the leveling system, like having more rewards for reaching levels.

I think I should finish this quick because the light seems to be flicking a bit and I don't want to have to write this again so for Gamespot I've been Will.
C ya

The Run Up to Christmas starts now!


Yep school is out for me!!
No more school until next year which is fantastic!

I've just come back from the cinema where I saw Eragon with some friends, we were gonna get Deja Vu but we couldn't get from school to the cinema fast enough so we had to settle for Eragon. The film was ok it wasn't great but it wasn't bad.

We (me and my dad) put up the light outside our house last week so thats good. Although there seems to be a rivalry between the houses on my road to see who can put the best lights but to be honest we don't really compete we just watch other people. lol. When the lights are put up this usually make me feel that Christmas is here and yep i'm feeling like that right now. So thats good.

As for Christmas presents I still don't have a Wii and I doubt I'll get one until next year which kinda sucks. We got another letter from PC world basically saying they cant get one for us until next year.....

That would usually be bad but....
We were in Debenhams and they had a special offer on Robosapien V.2's so seeing as I wouldn't get a big present my dad bought me one right there! So that my Christmas present for now. :)

People who listen to Essex FM might know this song...
Five more days to go
Five more days till santa
Five more days till the big fat fella comes down your chimely gives you presents and drinks your beer!
Five more days to go.
Heh Heh.

C ya and Have a great Christmas!


To start off the blog I would like to say that I got a choclate cracker in my advent calender today. lol

Meaning to do things, lots of things. I was suppose to do this blog on friday, then friday became saturday then it became sunday. Well at least i'm atcually doing it.
I've got hella-loads of homework to do plus I have 2 exams next week. Not that way I wanted to wind down into the christmas holidays.

You may, or may not being wondering whether I went and got a Wii and unfortunately I didn't.
On thursday I got a very polite letter from PC world explaning that they only received halve of the stock they expected and they didn't have a Wii for me to collect on saturday. They said "We are working closely with nintendo to ensure you receive your Wii before christmas"
I took that as "Erm... we don't got no Wii's for you yet. Erm... we's trying to get more, but don't expect anything!, if you get one before christmas then you's is lucky" :P

I thought "no biggie" because I also had a pre-order with comet so on saturday I phoned them up and I got the same story. They they only got 20 Wii's and that I was 67th in line. So that all kinda sucks.

I went shopping yestarday to get stuff for people and that went good.
For some unknown reason there where was Darth Vader, Stormtroopers and Dark Troopers standing outside woolworths which was a little werid seeing as nothing to do with star wars had come out.
I said hello to darth and a stormtrooper, both of them were complaining of being very hot. Asked Darth how it was hanging he said "Its great having your own empire" and invited me to come see it one day. He's not such a bad guy really.

Still don't know what the text clips thing is for, got a week and a halve left of school left and I think I need a new profile banner.
Thats all,

P.S here is my gamespot badge, been meaning to show it for ages

Willdyer10's Profile at GameSpot EDIT: Huh? all it says is that? That sucks as well.

Another Day.

Two days running i've done a blog, bet you didn't see that one coming eh?

Its about 8pm here and I have a terrible cold, I don't feel like doing anything but I guess i'm writing this blog, so i'm doing something.

I was looking over my very vast collection of gamesmaster magazines and comparing things and looking at old reviews and looking for guides to old games, atcually its amazing the difference in ratings that gamesmaster and gamespot give games.

Unfortaunately I don't buy the mag that often as it has declined ever since they gave it a re-design.

I was also looking at the christmas editions or rather christmas sections of the magazine and I noticed how each year it gets smaller, it just makes me think are there so many games that they dont have room for a good ol' bit of christmas in the mag, I doubt that, it just seems that everyone wants to get over christmas and into the new year as fast as possible.
My point seems to be backed up by how early some of the christmas editions come out, I mean I picked up a christmas T3 in october? is that not madness?
Ok so maybe i'm ranting a bit and maybe its the cold taking but we need to slow down and enjoy christmas.

Erm so.... yea.....
I better stop....
Hopefully I won't be like this tommrow

Oh and does anyone know what the text clips... thing above the editior is for? I won't click it incase it delete's all of this.
EDIT: I clicked it, anyone know what that is for?