@PayneKiller: The game had one of the largest BETAs ever. Lots of people have pre-ordered. The game will still be played years from now. Perhaps not as much as Battlefield 4, but enough to always be able to find a server in every game mode at every time of the day.
No-game specific remapping? No ability to make profiles and quickly switch between them? So, for each game you wanna play you have to first spend 10 minutes remapping?
@killuax3: Good job on reading my post and understanding what I said: "perhaps I should say ships 12 million units to stores, that's not entirely the same, but you get the drift"
Good job for you. You understood that all by yourself? Good boy. You must get really high grades in school.
Thanks for all those PM messages in which you call me an idiot. You even took the time to post on my Wall. Luckily I can easily delete all that spam and ignore you.
LOL, it took The Witcher 3 SIX weeks to sell SIX million units (including pre-orders). FallOut 4 sells TWELVE million units in ONE day (including pre-orders) [well, perhaps I should say ships 12 million units to stores, that's not entirely the same, but you get the drift]. This just goes to show how unpopular the Witcher franchise is compared to FallOut. I mean, The Witcher 3 is a good game, but nobody has read the Witcher books and nobody has heard of the Witcher franchise... Well, after The Witcher 3 was released SOME people have heard of the franchise, but before The Witcher 3 it was very very unknown.
Also, there was a lot of b**ching about the graphics of FallOut 4, but in the end, a lot of people bought the game anyways. There are simply a lot of people that either found the graphics good enough or simply don't care. I mean, look at one the most popular games ever: Counter Strike Global Offensive. It was released in 2012 but was lagging behind years in graphical terms. It still tops the charts of online players to this date. Why? Because it's Counter Strike and because the system requirements are low. That's the golden combination: a big name & good gameplay & low system requirements. FallOut 4 has the big name, it has interesting gameplay and a nice story, and the system requirements are quite modest for a 2015 game.
@deviltaz35: With the 40 inch screen I was of course referring to a console + TV setup.
A normal sized computer monitor is between 20 and 30 inch. Above 30 inch is considered huge. Below 20 inch is considered quite small for today's standards.
@aiden_kasel: Why would they do that? Skyrim got an HD DLC because the base game didn't have HD textures. Fallout 4, on the other hand, has beautiful HD textures already included with the base game. So there is no need for an HD DLC.
You could beg for a 4K texture pack, but there really aren't that many people playing the game on that resolution, so the chances of that happening are small.
@MaXiMuS2oo9: It's a heavily compressed YouTube video of a game. You cannot judge texture quality in such a video. Due to the video compression, the picture always looks blurry.
You can only judge texture quality in a video if the video has a high bitrate, at least 20 Megabits per second.
AC: Unity had very sharp textures (on ultra high) and I expect nothing less of Syndicate.
@marcusdude: Since the Xbox One version only runs at 720p it can utilize smaller texture files. Why waste space with big textures when the pixel count is so small that you cannot see those details?
Wiro_'s comments