@gamerbum: Not for at least the first two years since the XSX will be held back by catering to the original Xbox One. By then within a year or so I'm sure SONY will be ramping up to release the PS5 Pro... Is MS going to do the same in the following year and release 3 consoles in a 4 year stretch?
Never mind ark he/she thinks that its all a conspiracy, when reading the reviews they sure don't sound like 9's & 10's.
I don't have an account on IGN and have only visited there a few times, but their review actually scored the way it read, unlike many others.
This review leads you to believe that its a magical experience, and when taking parcel from point A to point B while climbing a ladder someone left in the middle of nowhere to be as some sort of ground breaking MP experience and a bond to someone you've never met as a spiritual being that she felt an unwavering faith in the human race, I mean c'mon mop & bucket in aisle 9.
Yeah man I agree. Then again, I knew it was going to get high scores no matter what.. because of "reasons."
That is one of the most annoying videos I have ever had the displeasure of watching.. not only was it not funny, it never even got to the point where it was even semi entertaining. What in the hell is this even supposed to be for? This site continues reaching new low bars, when I didn't think it possible.
Unfortunately, Jim Carrey completely lost his mind a few years back and has never recovered... man is only a shell of what he once was. He has gone full conspiracy theory and illiuminati is taking over the world. His words (in a nutshell.. perhaps not verbatim) "Nothing exists, we aren't even here. Nothing matters and everything is pointless." You can't take anything he says at face value... which is sad. At one point in time he truly was one of the best, and I still love a lot of his older movies. Problem is... he is very outspoken these days and acts as though he knows things that nobody else is intelligent enough to figure out.. like he thinks he ascended or something... He definitely drank the cool-aid and god knows what else.. I feel sorry for him, but perhaps there is still hope for him. Of course it's everyone else... don't ever take a look in the mirror and think "gee... maybe it's me."
@taylor_sparks: If the PS5 is fully backward compatible then it won't be a problem.... the Xbox One is NOT fully backward compatible (regardless of what MS wants to call it, and I personally say it isn't backward compatible AT ALL). Which is the reason you have to DOWNLOAD entire games to the hard drive. The disc is just a license to prove you own the game, but you are downloading the game off of their servers and not off the disc. So, sure it is a type of check, and you can play certain games, but it is by no means compatible. Backward compatible means you put the disc in and it reads and plays off THAT disc. If the PS5 is truly bc then every game (online games have to have servers up and running still) should work just like you were playing it on the PS4 without a mandatory full install (unless for whatever reason the game was made like that for the PS4... although I can't think of any). It should also mean that any games we have from PlayStation plus and PS store games will likely transfer as well (if we like).
@xenomorphalien: Until they know the vast majority of players on crossplay will be console players that don't stand a chance.... PC players love to cheat or have anything that gives them a major advantage. They will flock to this one.
kind of sucks that the competitive multiplayer is coming sometime after the initial release, but I will 100% the rest of the game in the meantime. Hope I get into the beta... but on a higher note, I hope this game is great. It could REALLY put 3rd person shooters back into the limelight. Maybe if this game does well then SONY will wake up and start production on a new SOCOM title. As long as it's as good as Confrontation (as a low point) I will be satisfied. We haven't had a high quality tactical military shooter in a long time... and NO Siege doesn't cut it. I mean it's ok... but it REALLY limits what you can do and doesn't give many options at all. If you absolutely love to camp your ass off? Yeah... it might be right up your ally, but for those of us still waiting... well, I can only hope this is the start of something good and gets the shooter genre moving in the right direction again. Shooters have SUCKED in recent years.... I'm not getting my hopes up, but at the same time I am really hoping this will scratch the itch that so many other crap shooters have missed in recent years. Sad that BF4 is the best shooter this gen... ughh.. that isn't saying much.
Is it because it is paying off shell of their former selves sites like this one? I got 1 minute and 36 seconds into this babble before stopping the video.... what an absolute joke. You should be ashamed to post this trash.
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