Somewhere in Gamespot archives is probably an article very similar to this one about how the Wii will change Nintendo games. We had the same promises back then, that the Wii will revolutionize games. Did it? I guess kind of, since sony and microsoft have motion controls now, but I'm not convinced the world is a better place with them, and I'm not convinced the new Wii-U tablet is going to bring any meaningful changes to games.
I agree that mw2's trailer has more impact. However, if you look at the actual game, it plays much like the mw3 trailer. It's a constant adrenaline rush from start to finish, like every CoD game since CoD4. So I'm not really sure what this article's point is.
The breach happened. Sony can either give up and drop its online services, or try to up security and press on. I know which option I hope they choose, and I won't say no to some free games along the way.
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