Yeah, Shoot has it right. New games (once opened) are exchange only. Give the store manager of whatever store you frequent the low down and they may decide to overide the system. They just cant do it often becouse it's logged with corperate.
Wolf_BladeGX's forum posts
Dispite the one in however many trillion a chance our planet is, it's impossible to say that there is no other life. With how many stars there are out there the chance of another planet like ours is pretty high, all things considered. I'm willing to bet there's another species out there pondering the same thing we are right now, on their own gamestop forum.
I wanted him to win. I guess one of the biggest draws was the change in attitude. With 7 years of the Bush administration spouting "terrorist" this and "terrorist" that, it's nice not being reminded we should live in fear of our lives. McCain was shaping up to be more of that unfortanatly, put that seems to be a party stance.
Additionally I felt bad for McCain. If you guys look back, did you notice his drop in energy. It was like he wanted to be president at first, but something along the road, maybe Palin, made him change his mind. I really noticed it during his speach after Obama won. If he had that kind of energy and spirit during the entire campaign I might have made more consideration of voting for him, but he seemed relieved he didn't win. I don't blame the guy though. If I were in his shoes I would feel the same way. I mean Palin? what?
Check this out if you havn't already.
The way this article is making it sound is Republicans (at least hard core neocons from the sounds of it) are trying to get us to a point where Muslims are to the U.S. as the Jewish were to Nazi Germany. This crap is scary.
Um... when were games NOT $60 a pop? I don't know what world you live in, but here on earth, brand new releases have always been $50+ a piece. Try not buying the game the week it's released. Wait a month. If the game blows, the price will get cut in half. If it doesn't suck, you'll be able to buy it cheaper used.Greyfeld
Perhaps he lives in PSP or DS world?
They do play on peoples ignorance most of the time, but if your really wanting to sell your stuff they do give ample opportunities to make selling worth it. It kinda comes down to manipulating the system, but even taking advantage of them will never net you as much if you sold the games yourself on ebay or something. GS is the lazy way and you pay for your lazyness. Online is the tough way and you are rewarded for you effort.... it's kinda like school.
For all anyone knows that kid might wind up supporting the healthcare reform when it's in school and thinking that your current way of doing it was behind the times compared to other nations. That kid might grow up having a healthier life (assuming it's not from a wealthy family already) becouse of the reform. Or, if the Reform doesn't work, then she might see no difference after we have reversed the reform and have gone back to the old way of doing it.
After all people, this isn't the end all of healthcare. If it really doesn't work we go back and try again, with experience guiding us down a more effective path. Maybe if we did a little less war mongering and a little more caring for our population then the money spent wouldn't be a big deal. How is 1 trillion a year anything but a drop in the bucket compared to what we have been spending in Afganistan and Iraq?
Yes the on/off is supposed to be touch sensitive. No question there.
And yes, Gamestop has ripped me off every time I have made a trade there. But, I have got some very great deals on used merchandise and games there as well. They are a business, it's not like one can expect them to lose money on everything they do.
yup. Gamestop isn't Sony after all. (sorry, I had to say it)
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