Stop making stupid sales topics. Haven't you learned anything from the previous 6 you've made? Get a clue before you hit that 'new topic' button.
Wombatringo's forum posts
Nintendo's first party doesn't interest me because I just don't care about any of their main franchises. Unlike a lot of people here, I didn't grow up playing these games, I don't have any affinity to any of these characters and it's just starting to look stale and tired. How many times can you add some new gimmick to a Mario or Zelda game before it starts to drag? They can't just fall back on these nostalgia monkeys forever, somewhere along the lines they're going to have to pull something new and fresh out of their asses, and God help them when that day comes. Silent-HalNo offense to you, but judging by your post here, you haven't been around games long enough to have a valid opinion on whats good and whats not. Nintendo's first party has a history of excellence, and the fact that they do it with the same main franchises speaks volumes for the games themselves, its not all nostalgia. Sony has done great things with their games, but they also have sequels to their same series. Both are praiseworthy for what they've brought gamers as a whole.
Well, I believe Nintendo is repairing relations with its 3rd party devs, which crippled the GC and N64. The Wii has garnered some much needed support, and if they can keep it going into the next generation, I believe they will be competitive again.Yup, the only real loser this gen is Sony. I guarantee even they didn't think they'd lose over 50% of the PS2's marketshare this gen.
But back to the topic; Ninty has a good chance at repeating victory next gen if they launch at an aggressive price point (in comparison to the next Xbox and PS4). Ninty has a lot of goodwill among the press and gamers.
OK, this gen is obviously not officially over, but I think its safe to declare Nintendo's Wii the winner with a nigh insurmountable lead in console sales. Now lets think forward to the next generation of consoles. Facing facts here, the only reason Sony didn't dominate for the 3rd generation in a row is because the PS3 was a huge screwup for them. They were arrogant, tried to sell a console at a huge price point based on brand loyalty, and got destroyed. Not that the PS3 has been a failure, I love mine and the potential it obviously has is amazing. However, Sony's marketshare dropped enormously, and they know it.
My point is this, if Nintendo does not make the same mistakes as Sony, and brings their next console into HD at an affordable price (think 360) does this generate another win for them in the next generation? Or does Sony come storming back after learning a hard lesson?
Its Nintendo. Although Sony has been strong recently, that doesn't make up for 20+ years of Nintendo putting out some of the greatest games of all time, and they are still going strong. Nintendo by miles.
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