Just wanted to add another thing.
A lot of people have been saying "if gamergate is about ethics, then why do they spend so much time talking about feminism/SJWs"
There are two things I want to say to that:
1.Because that is all the games media is talking about. When gamergate started, even before it with the 'Quinnspiracy', the focus was on Totilo, Grayson, Indie-cade and Indiefund, IGF, Phil Fish, TYFC and of course Quinn herself. People were trying to talk about ethics, but nobody was listening and instead parroting "misogyny and harassment". Gamers asked questions about ethics, and received no answer. So they had to respond to the anti-women argument first to clear that up, that is what dialogue is all about, but again the media weren't listening. If gamergate had 'stuck to its guns', then we would of had one side shouting "MISOGYNY, HARASSMENT" whilst the other side shouted "JOURNALISM, ETHICS" and no-one would get anywhere. One had to answer the other's question, but the media showed us that they were doing there best to avoid GG's question and didn't want an answer to their question that didn't fit their narrative. And because this led to no dialogue either, GG went to strike at these companies' wallets through advertisers, extremists on both sides decided to dox each other and third-party trolls came in to create more problems.
2. Some have considered the games media's 'obsession' with SJW-like 'progressiveness' as its own form of unethical behaviour. When they run article after article how Ubi is bad for not having female characters in their games, or games showing females getting attacked or sexualised are bad, or that Gone Home is the best indie game ever because it has lesbians in it, they are seen by people to be attacking devs from their 'moral high ground'. Over the last week or 2, people were making comments about how GS was becoming 'Anitaspot' with all the positive coverage she kept getting, seemingly mentioning everything that was happening in her life whilst saying how she was won an award and her work was "critically acclaimed", but failing to mention the number of people who have shown her work to be of poor quality. The main games media appears to be strongly Left-leaning, and many believe this to be a part of the problem as it leads to yellow journalism and possibly outright corruption/unethical behaviour
Interested in hearing your thoughts on this - cause I don't shut down comments and the like-bar (sorry, but couldn't resist snarky comment)
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