@plaintomato @Wrathesoul I would agree except you wont be able to on ps4 or xbox one unless you have memberships to both and I agree if you can accept it being full of microtransactions or free to play when you pay enough to get the full game you have spend probably triple the retail full version cost.
Basically what EA means by no more offline play is (we want to spy on you we want to force you to buy ps+ or xbox live unless a pc user of course. We want free rights to spam your game with ads and bs you don't want as well as choke you with lies of free to play when in reality its pay to win or play to get half arsed games) I don't like being forced to do anything and wont be so forced online with no offline single player is a banning of EA in my home.
@Diegoctba He is a ignorant SOB my favourite type are RPG at least ya get your moneys worth unlike his IOS or FPS bs which are short very sort easy to finish.
@memigh Differences are WOW etc are made for that Dragon age, Dead Space etc are NOT. Even tho I wont touch the Child run wow with a ten mile pole Dota 2 is good.
@Icepick_Trotter @Wrathesoul Yes those who spend on microtransactions keep EA happy and keep use to be great games like Dead Space and Dragon age failing which is a loss as they use to be great.
Wrathesoul's comments