@SavoyPrime I don't give a crap about keeping track of that rubbish. The ps3 and 360 do just fine with OFFLINE achievements etc. Peter Moore is a mindless drone programed to screw gamers and ruin EA's reputation even further.
I hope this ends op on feedbackula them goes to youtube people who don't read these things on game site DO watch these things on youtube. EA needs to fall and fall hard on their faces.
@Busta @Wrathesoul @Hoops0123 Asd with Microsoft xbox one reveal which failed in a major way there must be a way to drill it into their thick uneducated to the needs and wants of gamers skulls to stop this BS and do things right I.E. CD Projekt Red. I am willing to bet if we did a petition thing on this there would be easy 500%+ more signatures then there was for the xbox one.
@Hoops0123 @Wrathesoul Its like any wannabe dictatorship if you don't bow down with your arse in the air for them no plow the dictatorship will soon fall. Its due to all the poor folks who are putting their arses up for EA to plunder that are keeping them in power.
EA is making gamers feel like the new prisoner in the shower of a maximum security prison who just dropped the soap you can choose to pay 10 dollars to have the soap put back in your hand or take the chances you will be screwed. For 20 dollars you can have a metal plate cover your backside for 10 days at which time the price doubles for the same metal plate. Not good business IMO.
@OurSin-360 This is EA and free means you get what you paid for and it will be jam packed full of microtransactions and when you finally buy all of them that you would need to have a complete retail version you will have paid more then triple the full retail day one price.
Using medical terms EA is the cancer of videogames. If people could find a way or ways to educate others who aren't big game site forum readers about this I am sure EA would be forced to go the way Microsoft did with the xbox one.
Wrathesoul's comments