@rktPYZQShWz @deth420 @Wrathesoul Yah or uneducated in gaming parents getting stuff for their kids etc. Something needs to be done to educate the masses so to speak. More so ones who don't read sites like this.
@deth420 @Wrathesoul Agreed last game I bought with the EA label was Dead Space 3 and yes I finished it just fine but the way they made getting resources stupid slow unless you bought them real money was just stupid and no I didn't ever pay for that microtransaction BS never will. Maybe its time for someone with some skill to get a petition or something that can affect developers to make them change their lies and BS. It worked with Microsofts Xbox one why not EA or just get people to stop buying their crap until they stop making a bad name for gaming.
Looks like EA is running for worst company in America and soon to be the world three years running. EA is everything I truly hate about how gaming is run. I been a gamer from the very first system and have only played single player and I prefer to pay for what I play not get it free when its only an illusion that really means free to overpay. I refuse to pay the wages of companies like EA as they aren't working to make gamers happy they are only focused on absolute greed and seem to be on a mission to end up like poor THQ and other game companies that are no more. Honestly I hope EA goes out of business and sells their at one time great game titles to companies that wont hash them up and sell them as incomplete. Sad thing is there are people who will stay attached to the corrupt EA nipple and feed them money so they will never learn and never change and always rip us off. PS. Peter Moore is a tool that needs to be put in the tool box and locked and tossed into a active volcano IMO.
@NTenseify If you are in the mindset every little game shall be one of the ones I would rather avoid all free to play blah blah you would be at a loss of a lot concerning the next gen. I bought both as I know they wont focus on the things that are making gaming far less consumer friendly then back before you were probably born. If you were of a age to have grown up with every gaming system you would know full well these days companies are truly ripping gamers off giving us games that aren't complete unless we fork out more and more money or this free to play crap yah free to demo but to win or get the best of the best you will pay far more then any fully done game like witcher or witcher 2 does at retail. If by any chance either sony or Microsoft are that stupid to make their games or systems always online or full of microtransactions etc they will get what Microsoft got when it announced the xbox one they will get a whole lot of pissed up people. So I can warrant buying both and if ya can afford it why not. If they do all digital or all free to play whatever I can always sell them. Just look in the past from wii/ps2 and back when a game came out it was 100% done everything was in it when you paid for it. No DLC no microtransactions no free to play. The games as well were quite a bit longer then what they have now. Yes graphics weren't nearly as nice but more story more length more value for your money. There are very few developers left that give the customer 100% complete product with no hidden anything one is CD Project Red they give a done game and if they add more which they do they give it to the players free as it is part of a game they already paid for they don't squeeze more money out of ya they treat ya right. I in short of developers either trying to rip us all off or try to treat us as if we were ignorant and betray our trust in them erc such as EA does so very well. All we can do is just take a chance and hope developers don't continue this greedy trend and start to focus on the people who pay their wages by giving us complete games no on disc dlc (Capcom) and so on.
@RiKanKiDD @Wrathesoul And with your comment you assume the role of everyone as you stated no one cares meaning your are either everyone or the voice for all people which makes me feel your nothing more then a child who cant accept others opinions unless you agree with them. As well if you don't agree I am glad to know you like microtransactions and how they have made games far less then they use to be as well you must love to be controlled due to your acceptance of forced online and such. In reality everyone has a right to have and express a opinion and should by all means but only the truly ignorant ones try to be the voice for all others.
Ok will make this simple to any and all video game developers/creators or whatever I will not play or buy any game not on a cd/dvd/bluray which I can hold and see and have in my gamers bookshelves as well I wont touch free to play crap as its nothing more then a way to rip players off far more then what its retail cost wold have been for the full game. I wont play etc games with microtransactions in them as they are nothing more then games that are not complete or ways for people to cheat to get ahead. Last I wont touch games that are only multi player or forced online to play as that is just BS if no offline single player longer then a 10 hour campaign not worth the price. So from all I been seeing so far after pre ordering both next gen systems I wont have nowhere as big of a library (over 500 ps3/xbox 360 games) this time around. If there is a god please SMITE EA games the ignorant enforcers of microcrapactions!!
Looks interesting but don't look like next gen graphics then again nothing I have seen for any of the systems look that much better then what is already out. I am sure they could make these games pretty much just as good on current gen.
Only thing so far I really do not like about Ryse is that they are putting microtransactions in it making me feel it is like Dead Space 3 is not a truly full game when you buy it.
The only world (game) I want to be in is the one that has a 12+ hour long single player not one that you are forced to have a subscription with either sony or Microsoft to even play.
Wrathesoul's comments