- It doesn't matter whether or not they talk about it during TGS, because in the end, all of those features have been confirmed to be in the game. They've already revelaed Nascar, Rally, online trading, day/night, and dynamic weather. They could elaborate more on it before the game releases.
- When you say "past games", do you mean *past racing sims*, or *past Gran Turismo games*?
- We've seen Youtube replay uploading before? New physics, Damage, Movable objects on track, hybrid and electric cars properly simulated? Open Lobby, Text/Voice Chat, Private Room, Online Photo Album, Online Replay Album? We've seen all of this stuff in a Gran Turismo game before? No. That's why they are unveiling it now.
Please provide links to these confirmations you speak of. And it's not like KY has never lied to us before about features that didn't make it into previous GT games. :roll:
- Nascar and WRC were revealed at E3.- In an interview with GamesRadar KY said GT5 will have the same features as GTPSP (online car trading being the only standout).
- Weather and night races
- If the features announced are excluded, then they should be held accountable for it. As of now, we have to go by their word and what's been shown so far.
Yes, I remember that interview. I applaud your glass half-full attitude, but I've been there too many times seeing KY breaking promises to the GT community from GT5P damage patches, GT4 online, track editor, missing car manufacturers, etc to believe him when it comes to feature lists and release dates. Sorry, for me the honeymoon is over.
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