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Gamer Grunt: Gone for a break

I'm sorry, but due to health concerns, nothing to do with the lack of time, I cannot continue on doing what I do best, that being to slander anything I come across.

I do apologise sincerely for the lack of Gamer Grunt goodness in the past and at the present time, but things just hasn't looked up in ages but it does not mean that I'm calling it quits. I just require some time to get things going again.

Hopefully, Great Nintendo games can be done within the next month depending on the collaboration buddy whilst I'm inactive otherwise Next Step will be the next goer. Take care of yourself for the Christmas and New Years Day and have a safe and great long weekend break!

k'Nighthawk signing out for 2008

Gamer Grunt: Red 2008

As this hardship of the economy goes into the slip into the aibyss that's known as the Credit Crunch or the economical idiocy, we now hit the flip side of te coin, that being the developers or publishers.


I've made it perfectly clear from the get go and since I've been talking about MMORPGs that the only warhorse which will weather this Economical stupidity in the past, if any possible future title is, not surprisingly, World of Warcraft. Time and time over again, I will refuse to play the game, regardless if I'm given a month or an entire year for that matter, I will simply not play this game as it falls into my moral compass of the slow hunting gamer. For those who actually do, do games study will be quick to point out about the range of roles within the game, Richard Bartle's Four Suits. But since I'm not here to lecture those about ways of playing games and a long chat about being a Scholar, it is time to get onto the furry side of those banking greedy Economical wankers known as the Bank CEOs and directors.


So about publishers, well considering so many are actually cutting back and I'm must really club EA, and not to beat around the bush about this, but the time to create a lasting hit is in fact now. With people trying to look for a job to do wonderful things and unlike EA, creating as many cheap titles with as little mods as possible for the least amount of money, labour is only going to get cheaper depending on where the jobs are, now would be the best of time to in fact get things done.


Before people will complain and say that I'm just being a moron and getting people to do stupid things and then spam me, I would like to point out about the economic cycle quite bluntly. A boom only means that people have lots of money, but things would only just get expensive and luxuries would just create misery for those looking for it, but then there's the flip. All those luxuries would become hella cheaper and then people looking for money would reduce the price on almost anything.


Nothing better than an example, so here's one for the Business people to have a corkscrew into their heads... The price of oil. Peaked past $USD140 per whatever it is, then now, the time of Economical Stupidity, it is $USD60, hella less than 50% of the peak.


So where does this lead for the game makers? Well, apparently stop being complete tarts as there are so many game avenues out there and with so many dreadful or not so interesting games coming out, people are actually willing to spend money that they don't have to actually get those titles. Sounds weird, yet actually true.


When you are no longer swimming in a pool of fun games, comes the dreary and horrid pool of poor and horrid sea of sewerage then come across a perfectly working super computer with everything in tact, you'll definitely be happy as bugger to take it home and see what it can chuck out. Games is the same. Very soon... say about 6 months, we'll actually have a slow down in the number of fun and interesting titles to be released as the trend of games being released vary depending on titles.


Here's the timelines for those who are actually interesting in finding out how long it takes to complete games, roughly, and please note, I was given these figures by THQ.

DS/PSP - 9 months

Wii - 15 months

PC/360/PS3 - 18 months+


The economic stupidity happened about... a year to this day with many lay offs occurring at most 2 months (kinda weird and slow if you'd ask me if they were actually worried), many big arsed titles may be scaled back beyond to be tossed into the realms of **** and the only real hope of games oddly would be the handheld games and the Wii if you take into account the production times.


Even if history was to repeat itself with the 1983 gaming crash, I honestly can't see it ever possibly happening as Nintendo seems to of produced something ahead of its time and even with the cheaper parts path, will weather the storm of financial uncertainty and give developers to have a stream of certainty with sales along with handheld titles.


If you go the EA way, you'll create crappy games. Go the Blizzard way, you'll create a hate with those who hate Pay to Play options, but at least you won't need the buy the original game to download the game. Go the Valve way and no matter you'll always have titles which should be noticed... and speaking of noticed... Get a bloody life about not allowing me to import a bloody title of Left 4 Dead!


Honestly, if more companies went the Valve way, it may be very risky, but at least people will know how things may or many not turn out to be very quickly and have their expectations met and go further. Now is the time to invest in the cheapness and see what comes out of it. As of those indies that want to create a work of art and go big with it, good luck and soldier on. As for me, get me out of uni and I'll start working on some indie titles and keep Gamer Grunt going for as long as possible.





If it walks like a recession, barks like a recession, eats you live like a recession, throw you out of homes like a recession and then mysteriously makes you stink up, then it is definitely a recession you bloody idiots!

Gamer Grunt: Economical Gamer

As the belt tightens with everyone's expenditure, there is a really big question as to what kind of games people would even bother to get as prices increases and in Australia, we are still being ripped off royally. So what do people do in times of these economical hardships?


Well, here's the dumbvious choice... Sell everything and leaving gaming to its foundations, eg. back to the world of Dungeons and Dragons and Monopoly since they are the cheapest and non costly method of having fun, but then again, the adult way of having fun seems to involve a bit of so called "mingling". But other than calling on for the pocket saving gaming solutions, here at Gamer Grunt, we care enough to actually bother to explain the more resourceful way to create a balance between gaming and keeping enough money in your pockets.


As everyone is getting weary about the whole thing, people look for the road with less cost and that involves a big costly investment and then a supply of correct formatted mediums and files, or in other words, modding their system, be that 360 or Wii (would you honestly be bothered to actually download a 50Gb file only find out that it is corrupt?), then download their game onto DVD+R DL, and then make a free copy of their game (or pirated if you like going ahrg everytime you stumble upon success). PCs are very similar, less the need to modify the system. Of course, this drains the coffers of the publisher and developer, but then again, everyone is going through rough and tough hardships. Though, I did mention something that is illegal, it is still a very popular choice for so many gamers, that it does make developers want to cover all losses and create a very costly consequence for taking that road, though, it doesn't always work in their favour, such as using Starforce or SecuRom, which actually does break the system eventually... (idiots...)


But don't despair! There are legal venues of having fun without the use of illegal ideas but there are those which doesn't seems about right.


One involves the use of a subscription service to playing games, be that World of Warcraft or some other MMORPG. Sure it is very dynamic in terms of playing ingame environment, along with a good social gathering and following for those in love with the game, but to pay about $10 a month or whatever it is (CBF following that sorta thing), the cost does add up in the long run and the emotional bond created when playing it does make it a major problem when you stop playing it. So... what do you do if you can't continue to pay to play? Well... in some really really off cases, some resort to self harm of some other drastic measure to minimise the loss. Think of playing this sorta this way. Per month you spend say... $10 on the game (not including outside costs) per month, along with new expansion packs every year, costing about $40, that's already $160! Enough to buy two games for keeps.


There's always going classic and purchasing those really popular titles from Xbox marketpalce etc. That costs about $2 per game and those games can take up anywhere from a week to finish to a month, depending on the title. So, if take the extreme approach and buy a new title every week, that's already $104, which is less than maintaining your MMORPG account, which costs $120 if you discount the expansion packs. Though, if you do choose to play those titles online using services like Xbox live, this does set you back a lot, but does allow you to play online with other people, which could either be boring or really frustrating.


Don't despair if you would like to avoid paying subscription charges because there are games such as Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2, which does not have any subscription charges with the exception of purchasing just the title. Though games does vary in price, it does allow a cost effective way to avoid those costly long term subscription services and having to worry about your emotional attachment to your account. Though, if you do cheat in that service, you do have something to fear about, though, it ain't so big if you aren't a cheater, don't fret, nothing for you to worry about. The game does always reset making the playing field even so it really isn't much of a bond, but a test of skill and abilities.


Those that aren't a fan of those series, don't cry yourselves to sleep, because k'Nighthawk is here to give you all the options which are on the table for everyone to make a more informed gaming choice under these hardships.


If you dislike all those online games but still want to have fun online without paying too much, here's something for you. There are games online which are free of cost and isn't as high adrenaline paced as the tweek trigger happy players and/or slower paced subscribers of emotional attachments, such as word based online games or skill games. These are usually very basic java or flash games. Places includes Newgrounds, Jippi. Newgrounds is more famous for their flash movies by many authors, but does contain a lot of interesting game, but does high a tendacy rate for the authors to create explicit titles, but hey, at least they're free right? But places such as Jippi does have a high tendency for sex addicts to stalk, creating a sort of secluded place for proper free roaming gamers to just have a bit of fun without worrying about sex and age, but at least there's a place like Yahoo Games which is open and less secluded, but does not have a high problem for sex stalkers so it is a more friendlier environment, though, there is a slight problem with some of the game and response to some systems and the explorer, but otherwise a better source of fun than being stalked by sex addicts.


I know that there's a lot of online cheap sources of fun, but now... here's a few for the offliners. Though there is still a high problem with the cost of game unless you go online, there are still some sources of fun out there which isn't too costly that it becomes a burden. Besides having to collect things like Magic or Yugioh cards and play against other people and some matches lasting over an hour due to rules or what not... cost is honestly one of the major issue with offliners. Main choices for offliners includes the handheld systems and accessories for systems. Handhelds and old consoles have been highly regarded as more of an offline source of fun and have been that way for years and years and have been dominant way of having fun with others. Not too long ago, there was a gaming bash but there weren't any systems that could go online and it was a full on Mario Kart 64 competition with tonnes of players and a really high range of skill levels from new to pro. Even though that sort of prospect sounds very daunting, it is still a fun gathering for many people to participate in, so all in all, a really good day and one that's highly recommended to actually host. Organise something, even a handheld gathering or bash just to have fun a bit of fun outside of your actual rich craving norm.


Accessories isn't really seen as the popular choice due to their high cost and how long they remain to be enjoyable, which are actually the two major downsides to this area of exploration. Things such as the Guncon3, Xbox 360 steering wheel, Guitar Hero guitars, etc, are very popular and high in demand, but how long they last in terms of having fun is highly questionable and even though I am myself an explorational gamer, I have been low on funds to even make a proper judgement. But haven been given the chance to go anywhere near it thanks to the charity of GameTraders Robina, I was able to go somewhere close to it, though, I can make this really clear judgement that it honestly comes down the title and what genre you are really into. If it comes down to the racing genre, then the Steering wheel accessory may improve the experience as a whole and can even be compared with the controller and see which one is best. The rail shooter genre is quite repetitive and even though you are a really good sharpshooting and do hit the intended target, you are still taken to the ride even though you attempt to hop out of the rail cart and into another, it just doesn't allow for the player to choose their own path, just a one way journey, from start to end. Musical instruments are fun to play, especially in games, but they are a test of wits and ability to your arms and hands as fast and precise as possible, which, is thoroughly defeated by those who have no sense whatsoever. Though it is fun to play against other people, even in battle mode, it does leave a sour taste in your mouth in terms of being able to play it ongoingly since some people will be interested in 5-star blood raping all songs in all brackets and unlocking all unlockables.


Now that I've laid all the possible ideas for anyone to take up, hopefully, no one has dumped their old systems which have been gathering up dust because there are some gems in the old confusing world of gaming which needs to be rediscovered again.


Happy gaming!




Something being referred to as "Too good to be true," is like a cheap coffee, looks really good until you taste the fruits....or nuts....

Gamer Grunt: Great Games of 2008 (Solo Venture)

Due to the lack of spare time doing my stuff and continuing this venture of mine to supply an interesting read for Gamers and readers of all walks of life with minimal harm to minds of all walks, it is about time to pick up the list of Great Games which has come out this year. To make the list a little more challenging to create and better in terms of the system which everyone may have, the list will have many different criterias, they are as follows...

Games must be released or is about to be released within the Year 2008

Games which were suppose to be released in 2007 but pushed to 2008 is acceptable

Games can be released in USA, Europe or Australia in the 2008 to be included

No duplicate copies of a game is to be listed since they are the same freakety game

Multi-platform games will be listed in their own category

Multiplayer and Single player only titles can be listed in in their correct list

And after checking over the number good titles and trying to meet the original quota of 5 titles per section, but after looking for good titles without being multiplatform and games something that's actually worth a bother of mentioning... it was practically impossible

Now that the ground rules have been laid, I really must point out that this was originally a joint venture with Ry, but I had to break it off and attempt to create now, a biased list of games due to the fact that so much energy and effort had gone into creating the Sony & Nintendo Exclusive and list that, this is a high attempt to get what's suppose to be a Shoppers guide for Gamers or forever who loves their games and requires a good list to close out the list of games to get

This list isn't something which Yathzee will have any influence over or have flaming shots and this list is solely my digressions, even if he makes pot hole shots at games which I describe to be high up on my list as being good, I will attempt to try and get the 50 Stabs Review up ASAP to fully explain the reason for the game (if I've had the time to play it)

Without further or do, let's go for alphabetical order

Nintendo DS

My favourite system by a long shot. Almost better than a DS sized Wii in your pocket and better in terms of the quality of games which is being pumped out of it.

1. The World Ends with You

Normally when I play a game, it just have a few lasting taste that keeps me going for maybe... a week or so. This does have its flaws in the big fat bugs as you venture further into the game which greatly becomes a pain, but never-the-less, I've never had such fun play such a title enjoying the music, playing style, the challenges and variances within the game. If there is a must get title for DS this year, this is a 100% must get. I honestly hope that they do a number two on this game as this is a really really brilliant title for the DS!

2. Chrono Cross

Long time gamers will know about this title and will slam me for even putting it here due to the rules I've placed, but since it is so hard to find this game nower days plus having to own a PS just to run along with buying optional stuff to keep yourself going, it is about TIME! This is one of the most looked forward title I've been looking forward for the DS for the entire yet and TWEWY was the absolute surprise of this year I really must admit.


Unfortunately, the must have list of 2008 for the DS ends here, but never fret, they are just the exclusive titles for the DS to be release. Now, mentions to a few titles.

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

I did look forward to this title, but I've been whacked with the silly **** stick and this did not stack to the whole fun factor of the original releases. Tactics have changed a bit, though, I honestly enjoyed the atmosphere, music, units and the look of the previous titles. The sombre mood within the game did give a great depth, but if this game did try to implement ideas with games say... Company of Heroes, hell, that would of did it greatly, but this actually did turn out to be a great disappointment as a whole.

Multiplatform Exclusives

It is hard to find a good game that's not a multiplatform title. I certainly miss the good old days....

1. Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead is a survival horror game, greatly focusing on the need to work as a team to escape from the evil clutches of zombies. But this ain't no ordinary zombie shooter where the zombies act stupid and just walk just slow enough for you to pop in all your magazines into them before they even reach you, they actually run! Not only that, but there are some bosses which may scar you for life if you've been mobbed by them over and over and over and over again, to the point where it may tick you off, but, hey, at least the creators show you that they really care about you enough to make a game like this. Knowing this game, Einstein would be right... if you run out of ammo, the guns would just become as useful as a stick with projectiles being as good as rocks. Yay to **** sticks and **** rocks!

2. Grand Theft Auto 4

Now honestly, who didn't see this one coming even though I really slammed the crap outta this game, you can't deny the fact that this game is so greatly hyped, it was suppose to be released in 2007, but did just make the list (barely) and I still would not play this game. This isn't because of Yathzee, but mainly due to the fact that so many people I knew were ranting about the game and calling it god that I fail to see the need to worship the imaginary god that's called GTA4, come to think of it... this GTA wouldn't really be the forth one... it would actually be about number 10... GTA, GTA:London, GTA 2, GTA 3, GTA:Liberty Stories, GTA: Vice City, GTA: Vice City Stories, GTA: SA, GTA4. Close Enough... This is almost calling this worshipped gawd Jebus, then to Jebus:London Style, Jebus v2.0 etc... But hey, if people want to believe in Jebus #9, their call. (Please don't get on my arse about the reason about why they called it GTA4, I already know). Since there is a Jebus come, which they actually called it a Saint (anyone wanna guess as to what I'm referring to?), I wonder who is worshipping who?

Don't worry, I'm a non-believer of the whole thing so it doesn't effect me in my decision in naming and slamming game

3. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Another really big title, from a really popular series. This game is a Real Time Strategy game based on the idea of the warring USA + allies against the Soviet Union with one additional power, the Imperial Kingdom of Japan. You can guess the rest from there. Even though this is a great biased to well known series, they do offer things which not very many game have, longevity! This game will make you come back to it because there are things in the game which will get you really hooked to it... hopefully EA didn't stuff it full of advertising and just **** everyone with the repeat performances of previous titles. Last chance EA!

4. N+

Originated from a simple little flash game on the net and now, on the portable device. I honestly enjoyed playing it and its simplicities within the game. It doesn't try to act macho and tough to everyone, but does act like it is scared title fearing people's opinion about the game and does what it was meant to do, ignore what people say and venture on the path where idiots can not touch and break the tower of cards. Just for avoiding the creator's wrath that's known as the gamer's opinions, it has done the right thing for the overall game


Multiplatformers are usually hard in terms of deciding what is best since they like to stand out as something which should be own on multiple systems, such as Xbox 360 and PC, yet, their gameplay can actually take a 270 approach and stack it really hard in case their gamble doesn't pay off, in that case, have exclusives only obtainable via own all copies of the game title. eg. Soul Calibre 4

Rock Band/Guitar Hero World Tour

I'm normally laxed about having to pay a decent price if it is warranted but give me a freaking break EA! First, they royally delay the title for the PAL regions then they have the nerve to up the price in the PAL regions, almost to the point of an unfair currency exchange of over 10-20c to every Dollar/Euro/Pound at least! Same with World Tour. Does it really does double the freaking price to ship it to USA, then to the PAL regions and then say it was originally shipped to a low taxed nations say... Lichtenstein and then fudge the price a bit and profiteer off the PAL regions. Here's a bit of consumer advise to piss them off... Import the bloody instruments and just buy the game itself. Consider the game is region locked, who said they can do the same the equipment ey? As for USA and other countries within the range, feel lucky you don't have to really deal with it constantly on a day by day basis.

PC Exclusives

Due to the main problem of PC games also being released on the Xbox 360, it has made selection twice as hard, but the should be suffice to put the PC as still a dominant medium for games.

1. Sam & Max

This is a move which no one should of saw coming. Even though it seems like a really childish theme with graphics which should suit the Pre-schoolers, don't be fooled into what this game has to offer to gamers who love a good laugh. This game contains laughs which actually suit the more mature audience, though, some of the mini-games are childish and is questionable for the adult audience, overall, this is a really enjoyable game. Even though the game may be annoying to a point, weird beyond all respects and short once you've completed the game fully, don't ever under-estimate its potential as a keeper of a game title.

2. AudioSurf

A very very big title which was released on steam and is addictive that if you are simply bored of just surfing and listening to music, Audiosurf and listen to your favourite music! (Weird that this game almost does promote the use of illegally obtained music files...)


As I mentioned before, there is a problem with titles being available for Xbox 360 along with PC since they are very similar in terms of architecture. Though there are some questionable titles out there which is exclusive to the PC


Either we have a bunch of silly and immature sex-o-holics out there, or parents are being overprotective and all those bored people are just designing too many dick/vagina monsters. Haven't the human race just evolve better than the dolphins or the baby seals ey? What if someone were to design both baby seal monsters plus the clubs? Let's see the activists get right on top of that!

Sims 2 Expansions

I'm not being precise here since the number of expansion packs out there for the Sims 2 is starting to get to the point where it is just more fun counting stubbed toes by heel wearing girls than gifts of Sims 2 to them as gestures of courting and romance. Don't underestimate the allure of the game to both sexes, that's for sure! (Not a date killer if you play your cards right)


My least favourite system, though, there have been titles which has been major focal points.

1. Little Big World

Very simple concept and it worked like a charm. It seems like there's now a big trend back towards the simple form of gaming than the full on complex and linear titles which are available these days and even if it is a large dynamic game, it still doesn't stack up towards the simple ones. All companies, prepare the take notes!

2. WipEout HD

The old game making a really really big come back and why not? It still has a pretty strong fan base and it is still hella fun to play! I mean, beats that weird Star Wars racing game for the N64 and certainly easy to learn but difficult to master.


Metal Gear Solid 4

This should of been obvious that I was going to put it up sooner or later since I did have a grudge with this game and the EA syndrome of milking their titles dry bone until it just turns into dust upon first contact. But hey, it is all for the fans isn't it?

Playstation Portable

I honestly have an uneasy gripe against this system due to the simple fact that it does suck as a medium, because they royally stuffed up the diagonals on the D-pad and analogue stick, but at least there's a few games which do by-pass that problem altogether.

1. Patapon

Of those who don't know very much about the game, it is simply a rhythmic game based on beats and thinking. To those who know the game, Pata Pata Pata Pon

2. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

To those who really dread the Final Fantasy series, this game won't change your mind about the series, but to those who know very little about it, this is just a prologue to the popular series and a cult following to the original game, Final Fantasy VII. If you start your game here, if doesn't wreck your understanding of the first game, so there really isn't much to fear.


This is kinda an on and off game system of mine, though, I honestly do blame the amount of juggling between work, university and sleep along with blogging this. But hell, this is popular with both sexes, so this is one of the more important systems of any gaming generation, but then again, a lot of the Nintendo systems have been revolutionary on all fronts.

1. Wii Fit

Many would of expected Super Smash Brothers Brawl here, but to be blunt as hell, I stopped playing it after unlocking all the characters within the game. I'll explain this later, but about Wii Fit... I did write a news blogs about the Wii Fit, but then again, everything in life is harsh, and everything in life is cruel, but everyone has to take it as a learning curve. If someone is new to something, of course they will perform really badly at it until they are really good at it and may actually do improve overall without even noticing! This is actually one of the Wii devices which should be monitored because there is actually a lot of potential in this technology and I honestly can think of several ideas and uses for this device such as using it for FPS games as a sort of travelling board, party games for Mario Party, something for Raving Rabbids, maybe something for Legend of Zelda, and/or the next Wii Sport.

2. Boom Blox

Great thinking party game, though, this game can just last about minutes if you play by yourself, but tonnes and tonnes of hours if you got a good competitive company playing this game with and against you. Not very much unlocking of things requiried, but does require a lot of hand to eye co-ordination. Prove me wrong if you like.

3. Mario Kart Wii

I must admit that this is the worst game when it comes to unlocking things and I am honestly very annoyed with some of the requirements as the DS version is hella more easier and much more fun in terms of trying to double star blood rape every cup but then again, there just isn't a very good scatter in terms of vehicles in play. Such as slow accelerating cars with high speeds, good drifting but bad turbo boosts and then the opposite end being just that along with a balanced kart or bike with karts being good one one thing, whilst the other is good with the other being good with something else. That's kinda lazy in terms of approach, but hey, at least everything is a lot of visible and clear than another very popular title.

4. Super Smash Brother Brawl

Yeah, it is about time I where to put that bugger of a game up here considering. With all things considered, really really big maps, such as Lucus's stage, becomes far too painful in terms of trying to hit a certain jump with precision when they almost appear as small as those annoy flies or mozzies, but think about which is worse... Small pixels on screen which may be taunting at you for being really stupid for having a small screen or a fly buzzing? I'd say the pixel since a fly can be easily dealt with if you got the skill to do such a thing, but the game is more for the button mashers and those who button mashing will make you fret about the idea of having to fork out money and time to go get new controllers to replace the ones that your idiot friends broke because they are sore losers or winner or... biting on the controller like a seal being clubbed with a wiffle bat

Xbox 360

I haven't been bothered touching this system since I honestly can't be bothered playing the games on that system nower days. But it doesn't mean that there aren't any good games for it.

1. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

With BK taking a big 360 and moving to the 360, all eyes are watching to see if they are able to create the same cult following as with the N64. It is a major move since they are the same creators of the popular N64 title, Perfect Dark 64. Can Rare pull the popular bunny out of their hat? You be the judge and try the game out and then tell me


If you were after popular or hyped titles to be must gets, think again... I have no real interest in hyped games, just those that are really good and doesn't create a great deal of glamour, which I would like to call... the Hilton effect. But hey, if you really want me to mention it, then I will... but be warned!

Gear of War 2

Can someone tell me why this game would be something to look forward to... say... Left 4 Dead? L4D is cheaper and available for PC and 360, but GoW2 is only available to 360... so... where's the fun in not having a FPS title on PC? O wait, there are those that really love FPS on consoles, but then again... the weapon switching system was painful and it took me hours to get used to their weapon switching and bomb throwing system, even at one point underestimating the bomb throwing distance and fluffed that one up royally and you can guess how it turned out. In many PC FPS, I have a really good habit of unleashing headshot kills, this one... I have never had such trouble dealing with such a concept before... if they are going to introduce a pistol in a game, at least make it balanced enough to complete with the other weapons...

Fable II

"Plant a tree and it'll grow." That's what they wanted you to think about the game. Great idea, but what if you are a really really bugger and destroy everything you meet?

Guy: I have a mission for you Mr o' Chicken kicker

Hero: *kills guys* Huh? what mission? I see no mission

There goes progress...

This list is definately a lot harder to make than you honestly think. Though, I really must point out, do not dare to intoxicate yourself and blog, it does create sleeping problems as then, you'll go overboard with the booze, but everyone has their vices and their way of doing things.

This is a service for parents, gamers, present ideas to/from gamers, etc.

When I hit the free time from uni and work, regular weekly blogging services will resume as normal, until then, register for the RSS feed as I'll try and put them in whenever I've got the time to spare up. In the event that I can not resume normal service before Christmas and New Years, I would like to extend a Happy Christmas and New Years to everyone out there reading Gamer Grunt and have continued to support me by reading Gamer Grunt, 50GGS and Great Games Specials.

Gamer Grunter signing out!

Gamer Grunt: Who's Faking?

Before I make a perfectly blunt statement on the stupid of some idiotic journalists... I was like to say that I respect a great of them... it is just a large percentage of journalists... this is a personal message from the gaming grunt caller... *cough*

Get your stupid idiotic pride outta your arse and bloated head of yours and report on something that going to actually make people stand and awe at your work.

In case no one knows what I'm talking about... it is about the god of Nintendo being labeled as having no more ideas left. That news report was actually reported to be fake and some idiot reported it just gain your undivided attention to create such a smokescreen to their woeful reporting that just reading it makes you lose -5 Reading Skills (rad!!!... -_-')

But Moving on... we have had so many bogus report and very few factual ones, it makes me wonder who's really wasting time here, the reporters or those that actually pay the people to make crap up like that?

Unlike what they do, I personally don't create rumours, just educated or purposeful speculation as to what companies may be heading towards.

Well, everyone can speculate about the Xbox 360's next upcoming system to be the Xbox 720... though question of which way they will be heading... Going where Sony is going to be leaving, that being making a really powerful system with top notch parts or go the way of Nintendo and create a system based on interactivity... unless they dare to take the technological mid ground of a balance of power and stability with great titles to boot. Only Time will tell

PS4... Reports say a download system due to the speeds of the internet and being about to upload and download streams of huge data in and out with else that it may make the game retails redundant after the release. That's just Speculation, though, it looks highly possible. I hate to say it but, with the way technology is heading these days, it looks highly possible, though... marketing that idea in Australia.... that's going to be one technological bound which may prove to be crazily impossible to actually achieve unless something's done about it and quickly too.

Wii 2 - Well... the fact that Nintendo keeps everyone guessing, this may in fact there's no way to know that crazy name they'll use next, I refuse to scream out the number 2's... What they'll do next... No one really knows...They could follow in Sony's footstep of downloadable games to curb theft and allow for direct profits than a smaller incase. They have released the Wii Shop, allowing for purchase of ****c games, so chances are... they might take that road once games can be compressed to maybe a .7z zip format or a similar concept, readable by their next system when sending data packets across the net.

Apple - interactivity on the phone at an all time high, so... a new gaming system might come out soonish... we'll look at what's their next project. Maybe gaming would be one of their next ventures, I give them 5 years to make their move

N-Gage2 - A dark horse this one... They seem pretty determined, so something's really up...

DS-Touch - I'm guessing a duel touch screen system with better microphones... but I hardly use that thing... yet... people may argue me down on that one, if I slam that one so I'm going to leave that be

PSP 2 - Ever since I was disappointed with the original PSP, I really have grave fears ever going near them ever again. I gave them 2 years to make their next move. If they are continue a poor streak over the DS, expect the iPod to do something unexpected.

These are my speculations and I'm not going to question whether these maybe true or not... it is for everyone else to determine.

Expect the unexpected

Gamer Grunt: Too good to be true?

After the announcement of Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360, many 360 fans were rejoicing after their need to buy the Playstation 3 to experience the lost love of their beloved Final Fantasy series would be washed away whilst the PS3 lovers would be hurling rotten tomatoes at all parties involved with the decision, that being SquareEnix, Microsoft and the Xbox 360 fanboys (and girls) plus anymore associated with them... But hey love hate relationship right?

But this should one up the PS3 if they love their FF series and hate it being pinched away from their beloved Playstation console to fit into the hands of the 360 fans since SquareEnix hasn't actually received the Devkits yet...

Few people question about the quality in ports... maybe with the fact that a lot of the stuff on Xbox 360 looks shinier and prettier than PS3 but then the scale goes the other with power and I've already discussed about this topic not too long ago so to avoid the mud slinging contest I will bluntly state 4 important facts

1. Games - There are some sweet exclusive titles for each of the consoles such as the Halo series for 360 and Metal Gear Solid series for PS3 and if you really wanted to play both titles, it is pretty much obvious that someone needs to own both systems or know someone who is interested in a console which they own that the other doesn't have in order to effectively have fun with things they can't get.

2. Power - Sure the Playstation is rampantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and I won't even deny it even though I would refuse to get myself a PS3, but the main concern has always been being able to tap into that power effectively. Can't wait til Solid State drives become power in PC since it would actually be the next leap for consoles to undertake in terms of power and being able to use the drive to actually tap into as a spare RAM to increase performance.

3. Running Costs - Initially, I wouldn't of gave a royal toot about it, but then again with economic times... blah blah blah.... with data showing that the Xbox 360 is cheaper to run than PS3, it sounds about right, but then again, movie lovers would go for the slightly more unpixelated power of the Blu-ray, but I personally wouldn't care less since DVDs are still good and enjoyable. If you think that I'm living in a backwards nation due to shoddy internet access with shoddy TVs living on the pitiful world of DVDs... I personally wouldn't care as I would be spending my hard earned cash on other things in life than a life away from actual reality not virtual reality. Now it is about high time you were to virtually slap your computer game self for a non essential wake up call now

4. Porting - With Blu Ray taking a bit far too long to duplicate to stop pirates, fact in life is that there's always the golden rule of virtual computer seas, "If there's a will, there's a way to pirate" and now regular people are paying the price by not being able to enjoy the sweet life of fun and enjoyable games. With such a complex security system in place, the time it takes to develop would go up quite steep and would in fact reduce quality, but hey, they then get paid for once right? If they are interested in getting paid, what about in game advertising? Maybe that actually pays more ripped or not and that system can create problems for the people trying to get rid of it... Maybe it is about high time they quit squabbling with security since everything in the world would be piratable. Ones that are not would be the giant squids, but it has got nothing to do with Gamer Grunt.

Back to topic at hand, well they say that quality won't be compromised for the PS3 fans. That should of been quite obvious from the start since it is that version that's being ported to the Xbox 360 so it would be the 360 fans which may suffer slightly from the lack of quality, if that's even possible. So I honestly don't know where the hell the fear is actually coming from.

Maybe it is from those bickering numbnuts that known as the Sony addicts. But hey... here's a fun fact to screw those Playstation fanatics one lop sided to another. Final Fantasy used to be a Nintendo project, not originally Sony so now you can quit whinning about Final Fantasy going to Xbox 360 and maybe over to Nintendo as well.

If and when the truth shows itself, it is never a good time

Gamer Grunt: We discount, you save

Hang on... save what? Money if we were to buy consoles now? I mean hey, you you were considering, then wait no more but then again... to those unlucky buggers who bought it when the prices were higher, tough luck...

Give me a break... Yes, Microsoft has dropped their prices once again, becoming a lot more cheaper than PS3 just to phase out an existing system, but then again... it is redundant stock which is of no use to them just to serve customer satisfaction on their kinda scale.

Though it is kinda cruel when I've been petting the 360 for a while now, but then again, it comes the time where the general kick to the nuts is in order for doing something which is of great predictability, that being another price drop just to attack their competitor which is considering a road been travelled, more precisely, the "Scared Out Nervous Yobbos", Sony.

Time for the kick in the big fat gaming groin now... Where the hell are the new titles which yells for attention? It should be about time we hear something nice, but WTF? What the use of a nice little price drop when there are no titles to make it sound like the full cherry Sundae with the works along with the pretty gloss of the cherry on top? No interesting titles with a price drop equals to a banana split without the bananas with the rest being thrown at your face. You get to enjoy the fun for a while and enjoy the nice taste, but hell, you still lose out on the bonus extras, including the banana, that's if you love bananas.

With the price drop comes someone to replace the old stroking patient with a stroking patient carrying bigger sized pockets to store more candy so you can hold more, enjoy them more and to not tempt you into a simple little hack to hold more stuff. Hell, if you really wanted to... get the old stroking patient, taking out the original pockets and make your own with some simple tools. Check the net for how it is done if you clearly knocked out by the fear of screwing up the machine... I personally CFB doing it as I couldn't be bothered to chuck stuff onto for cheap entertainment value in accomplish a simple hack as the pockets which should be filled is just full of butterflies. Meaning, I prefer my PC over screwing around with the 360.

Hey... there are some interesting titles afterall... though... they are kinda old now, so now, what am I suppose to wait for? I haven't been stuffed finding new games due to my bank balance showing more red than the number of shades of reds or colours involving red along with the price of games costing more than an el cheapo meal at an exclusive restaurant. More rip offs than you'd expect (It is about high time the games were to go down in price you money hogging SoBs! The longer this goes on, the less money you can grub off me!), besides, the whole point of a fairly cheap console is so that you buy the games for the console and the company make a fairly decent margin off you along with the console manufacturer to also do the exact same with the exception of the margin being a lot bigger just to recover costs.

Hate to say, but the Wii isn't actually in the same situation, though the price of their games are just insanely close to the mark as their bulky console counter parts... give me a break... But now... with the old 360 being close to the mark of the Wii in terms of price, let's just see how this price shift affects the demand for the console.

Money's on a one to two month spike then troughs at just under half of the sales just. But then again, where are the freaking titles?!?

Short lived happiness will become a future regret


I was initially was going to bail this week due to so many clashes with things... damn...

Gamer Grunt: Touch Crazy

In the realms of the scaredy Sony Corp, they are considering copying the idea of the DS and making it seem better by adding nifty stuff from the Wii into their their new system. Questions is whether or not it is for a handheld system or home console.

Truth be blunt, Sony have always been famous for making very powerful system and lasting a good long while but due to the problem of timing in terms of the creation of titles for their new systems, this has created huge problems for the company, hence the price jump to catch up with game profits. (I swear, if the console makers don't fix up their act on prices to Australia, I'm going to start importing titles from China or where ever as I'm getting sick of paying rip off prices, pirated or not pirated, I don't care anymore.)

Why the sudden change in structure? I mean hey, it is famous as being a big fat bully in terms of its power but somehow the skinny kid of the block becomes so popular with the in crowd that the big fat bully is no longer so popular and then wants the attention which the skinny kid of the block is gaining. So what does it do? Tries to copy the popular traits of the skinny kid and then tries to make a better image of itself, then bullies the skinny kid of the block into submission about the fact that it will always be #1 and that it is useless.

It is true that the console is a 3 horse race, but Mircosoft is playing a different card game and doesn't actually care about the fight with Sony as much as their focus is actually good quality titles (oddly, it is actually a strategy from the Nintendo book... OMFG! O.O) with some quality franchises such as Halo, Gears of War, etc.

What is actually puzzling me is the fact that Sony is trying to be popular by copying stuff from popular people and even deems the frat boys to be a senseless bunch of idiots, that they choose to ignore them due to the fact that they think themselves as being 100% superior, smarter, faster, stronger and better looking. Due one main fact is still missing, that alluring charm which makes the frat a frat, it is something that's actually interesting and catches peoples attention.

So now what? Where is Sony going now? Trying to be everything which it isn't and makes it something of almost a viable cause? What I'm currently seeing from Sony is a lost cause in pursuits to become the overall most popular system which everyone should own, eg. a Blu Ray Player (News Flash, DILLIGAF!) with Sixaxis controls. Sixaxis failed because there wasn't even a game which actually bothered to integrate the ability properly with the game, hence the major flop. Since I have no longer have any interest in pursuing the production of the game, I might as well spill it here exclusively.

Plans for a racing game with the Sixaxis controller acting like a steering wheel with the R2 button acting like an accelerator and R1 as brake. The Gear shifters can be either the L2 & L1 or the two of the four buttons on top of the controller. Handbrake can either be a button, or a sharp pullback on the controller. This will allow players to play interesting drifting circuits, Speed races, whatever. So long as it give the players a lot more control and freedom within the game and actually got them to move, then boom, instant + 6 / 10 for interesting idea and concept that people should actually play to experience.

After the production of that game, I suspect maybe a flying game would come next, but if the Sixaxis isn't able to cope with that sorta movements and demands, then it should of never of been with the controller in the first place.

Sony should focus about themselves if it sells than trying to bully those which are deemed the weak kids of the arena. If Sony wants to become a truly popular system, then maybe the focus in making it very powerful should be continued to be pursued since it has always been the sole intention of their last 2 systems. Blu Ray, I never saw a need for it unless a game really took up 25-75 Gigs, but I'm still not touching it until I see a need for the jump.

Do something good, you'll be blasted for it sooner or later. Do something bad, you might get away with it. Proves that the rules to life are usually flawed.

Gamer Grunt: Perfect Marks Syndrome

As of late, my favourite source in checking the go of many games for a good source of interest and satisfaction knowing that both men and women gamers around the world would not be sold out by the great hype surrounding game titles.

So far this year, that same very source goes around and gives a few games the near impossible marks of perfects when that clearly was not the case, testing out games for every aspect of fun and getting it to run rigorous work out to prove its worth for them to make sure that it is tried and tested to give you the 100% satisfaction you so do want from the game, rubber stamping its authenticity as being worthy for your attention. Thanks to the mongering idiots, it seems like they are being paid off senselessly sending them showers of gifts to give the rubber stamp of Perfect 10s across the board!

I'm no brain surgeon, but isn't the whole point of a rating system is to make sure that it would become the stuff of legends and something that the world shouldn't ever miss out of playing, then maybe consider giving Perfect 10s, yet there are clear problems within games, yet, those flaws are blatantly thrown out of the Unbiased and unpaid window into the realms of Bribery haven for the sadden Ole folks that it known as the corruption police.

What in the world would of made 2-4 certain titles to earn the absolute impossible score of 100% marks, when none of the titles pre-"era-ol'-Perfectness" better than those which some have known to be the games which made up stand up and gain our attention?

These titles which are in question:
- Grand Theft Auto 4
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Super Smash Brothers Brawl

That's just about one for every system excluding the PC.

These games are suppose to keep you hooked on playing for hours without you ever realising that you even took that long and gets so immersed in a game that you quit playing until you see the sun rises (other way round for goths, emos and night people).

In SSBB, after about 2 hours of playing it, I got bored and wanted to do something else... that's even to do with Multiplayer. I enjoyed it, yet it isn't the simplicity of the game, nor it being the only thing I was to play, yet simply, the fact that some of the maps were so annoying that some of the characters would look like specks of pixels on a small TV, if given that might happen, then comes some of the insane power-ups and AI. Some power ups such as the targeting thingy, it forces people to chase to gain an upper-hand advantage and even if you aren't interested, you still have to chase it to prevent players from using it. The Final Smash becomes ultimately annoying if you had to deal with a character which can go psycho with it and just completely just annoy every single character in the game, one being Sonic. The AI always react to certain cycle of movements, attacks and combos that even with some main obstructions within the game, keeps using it and doesn't react like normal people would.

GTA 4, I believe it is still linear even though it is ****d as a free world environment; yet, players are required to complete the first lousy mission to be allowed to cause some interesting havoc within the game. Next cause of concern in the game is being a dedicated driver and chauffeuring people from point A to point B and maybe a small little point C then maybe back to point A then point B and to add insult to misery, you are being chased from point B back to point A using the guy that's tailing you. Doesn't the game just sound fun?

And the latest one, MGS4... Sorry, but I ain't touched the game, but having told about the end result even before the release of the game to shut people up... well... Yahtzee did complain about the game being a little rather on the side of long and boring in terms of the time it takes to reach the first enemy in the game.

This begs the question of whether the people thought out the entire game properly or Yahtzee is actually bad at computer games or both.... but back on topic... What I just mentioned aren't minor or unmissable flaws or unnoticed is a short space of time... unless the time to review those games are sinking making them reflect on just what they can see out of a game and can't fully review a game.

Perhaps the next time someone is to review a game, make them play it for a solid week and then get a verdict outta them since there are some old games out there which is actually still known and loved by gamers really passionate with those titles.

What makes a game so perfect that no minor flaws are really counted? How about a nicely designed shirt with a big fat hole right in the middle of it. Can you still call it designer shotgun fashion?

If something is perfect, use a hammer

Gamer Grunt: What a playa...

If you are looking for the opposite sex because either:
a) Gamer Girlz are impossible to find;
b) Can't find the right person;
c) Dunno how to play the "game"; or
d) It is kinda a hobby of yours
then... Gamer Grunt was and is not exactly the thing you should be reading to learn how to score yourself a date or something of that kinda because in clear and simple, flirting might be a game to some people but chances are, it doesn't have that sorta adrenaline and fun like some other even does if seem by millions or billions or people.

That said, it is about time the mysteries about competitive gaming were to be discussed about. To some people who may be unaware, "Pro Gamer" is actually such a thing and is popular is a lot of countries... oddly... Australia is not really one of them even though there has been a lot of major (or not so major) things which has improved in the field of competitive gaming.

The most famous Pro Gamer is Fatal1ty in the USA which is the World's Pro and highest ranked player in Quake. As for the other areas such as the most played game, Counter-Strike, Star Craft, World of Warcraft, etc.... you can try to find out yourself as I'm not here to mention names... (Heat0n, ask a gaming Korean, Leeroy Jenkin)

Then again, we have ourselves the purists and idealists who actually debate about where or not Pro Gaming is actually a sport or not and whether or not it can really be listed as an actual sport or not. As for my stance...

A sport is something which you can either train really hard to improve your abilities in, naturally very good at it or has a natural knack for it. Like most sports such as athletic, aquatic events, shooting etc... You people train really hard to be really good at it, naturally good at it, has a natural knack for it and/or all of the above. Such as that with Gaming. Some people train really hard to be really good at it, some are naturally good at it without even giving up much effort, some people adjust to the game a lot more easily than most people and/or all of the above.
Some argue that Sports is mainly a physical activity, but what about Chess? You move pieces around, train really hard for it and there are loads of professional chess players out there. Computer games requires a high amount of dexterity just like Olympic Shooting, really high amount of reflex speed along with reaction times same as Olympic Shooting, is very prone to environment such as outside noises and try to contain the environment as much as possible, same as Olympic Shooting, etc

Though Competitive Gaming has got no place in the Olympic, but compared to a lot of physical, mental and emotional abilities one must convey and posses to play very well. If you just have one of the triangle, one small or slightly demoralising event can trigger something which can cause a great lapse in mental thinking, bad stamina to keep you going and/or let a break up or something influence your natural playing ****

To simply play competitively may seem like an easy and something which you wish you want do as a career, but chances are there are already tonnes of people wishing the same thing and that queue isn't really a short one since each country has such a long queue, there's little of a chance to be noticed unless you know how to play the system into your favour. This can be as simple as topping at least one or two servers in your pet game and it ain't an easy task since one is already hard enough as it is, but to top the (I mean official legit and high profile) server, by the time you gain the other one, you may of lost your title as someone may of just beaten your record on the other server.
Keeping it consistent and someone may eventually notice your abilities. Doing that kind of thing doesn't take a single night as some may of taken years to be where they are so don't always count yourself as being tops. Don't brag about what you can't back up is the major rule of gaming because there are many people out there who are able to take you down more quickly than a pile of manure. That's how competitive the field of gaming is.

Go to LAN events, attend regularly, keep your physical appearance up and keep yourself small as it tends to make yourself a fairly small target and it actually works. Sports of all kinds will keep your mind clear and the added reflex will help with quick game reflexes and strategy, appearance within game can either pain you a bullseye in your back or paints the bullseye on someone else and less people know of you, the less they are willing to pick on you.

If you want to be at your best when competing, stay single, splurge on yourself, go to LANs with your mates, play loads of sports, eat right and keep things balances. When the event comes, then pop in one or two energy drinks when it comes down for it. Worst combo would be a shoddy set up, bragging about your abilities, just broken up, tired even though you had a few energy drinks, eating loads of pizzas and drinking loads of alcoholic beverages, etc... Think up as many horrible situations as possible and avoid doing that. Helps to have a poker face when playing games.

IQ is just a number, true talent can never be measured