Due to the lack of spare time doing my stuff and continuing this venture of mine to supply an interesting read for Gamers and readers of all walks of life with minimal harm to minds of all walks, it is about time to pick up the list of Great Games which has come out this year. To make the list a little more challenging to create and better in terms of the system which everyone may have, the list will have many different criterias, they are as follows...
Games must be released or is about to be released within the Year 2008
Games which were suppose to be released in 2007 but pushed to 2008 is acceptable
Games can be released in USA, Europe or Australia in the 2008 to be included
No duplicate copies of a game is to be listed since they are the same freakety game
Multi-platform games will be listed in their own category
Multiplayer and Single player only titles can be listed in in their correct list
And after checking over the number good titles and trying to meet the original quota of 5 titles per section, but after looking for good titles without being multiplatform and games something that's actually worth a bother of mentioning... it was practically impossible
Now that the ground rules have been laid, I really must point out that this was originally a joint venture with Ry, but I had to break it off and attempt to create now, a biased list of games due to the fact that so much energy and effort had gone into creating the Sony & Nintendo Exclusive and list that, this is a high attempt to get what's suppose to be a Shoppers guide for Gamers or forever who loves their games and requires a good list to close out the list of games to get
This list isn't something which Yathzee will have any influence over or have flaming shots and this list is solely my digressions, even if he makes pot hole shots at games which I describe to be high up on my list as being good, I will attempt to try and get the 50 Stabs Review up ASAP to fully explain the reason for the game (if I've had the time to play it)
Without further or do, let's go for alphabetical order
Nintendo DS
My favourite system by a long shot. Almost better than a DS sized Wii in your pocket and better in terms of the quality of games which is being pumped out of it.
1. The World Ends with You
Normally when I play a game, it just have a few lasting taste that keeps me going for maybe... a week or so. This does have its flaws in the big fat bugs as you venture further into the game which greatly becomes a pain, but never-the-less, I've never had such fun play such a title enjoying the music, playing style, the challenges and variances within the game. If there is a must get title for DS this year, this is a 100% must get. I honestly hope that they do a number two on this game as this is a really really brilliant title for the DS!
2. Chrono Cross
Long time gamers will know about this title and will slam me for even putting it here due to the rules I've placed, but since it is so hard to find this game nower days plus having to own a PS just to run along with buying optional stuff to keep yourself going, it is about TIME! This is one of the most looked forward title I've been looking forward for the DS for the entire yet and TWEWY was the absolute surprise of this year I really must admit.
Unfortunately, the must have list of 2008 for the DS ends here, but never fret, they are just the exclusive titles for the DS to be release. Now, mentions to a few titles.
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
I did look forward to this title, but I've been whacked with the silly **** stick and this did not stack to the whole fun factor of the original releases. Tactics have changed a bit, though, I honestly enjoyed the atmosphere, music, units and the look of the previous titles. The sombre mood within the game did give a great depth, but if this game did try to implement ideas with games say... Company of Heroes, hell, that would of did it greatly, but this actually did turn out to be a great disappointment as a whole.
Multiplatform Exclusives
It is hard to find a good game that's not a multiplatform title. I certainly miss the good old days....
1. Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead is a survival horror game, greatly focusing on the need to work as a team to escape from the evil clutches of zombies. But this ain't no ordinary zombie shooter where the zombies act stupid and just walk just slow enough for you to pop in all your magazines into them before they even reach you, they actually run! Not only that, but there are some bosses which may scar you for life if you've been mobbed by them over and over and over and over again, to the point where it may tick you off, but, hey, at least the creators show you that they really care about you enough to make a game like this. Knowing this game, Einstein would be right... if you run out of ammo, the guns would just become as useful as a stick with projectiles being as good as rocks. Yay to **** sticks and **** rocks!
2. Grand Theft Auto 4
Now honestly, who didn't see this one coming even though I really slammed the crap outta this game, you can't deny the fact that this game is so greatly hyped, it was suppose to be released in 2007, but did just make the list (barely) and I still would not play this game. This isn't because of Yathzee, but mainly due to the fact that so many people I knew were ranting about the game and calling it god that I fail to see the need to worship the imaginary god that's called GTA4, come to think of it... this GTA wouldn't really be the forth one... it would actually be about number 10... GTA, GTA:London, GTA 2, GTA 3, GTA:Liberty Stories, GTA: Vice City, GTA: Vice City Stories, GTA: SA, GTA4. Close Enough... This is almost calling this worshipped gawd Jebus, then to Jebus:London Style, Jebus v2.0 etc... But hey, if people want to believe in Jebus #9, their call. (Please don't get on my arse about the reason about why they called it GTA4, I already know). Since there is a Jebus come, which they actually called it a Saint (anyone wanna guess as to what I'm referring to?), I wonder who is worshipping who?
Don't worry, I'm a non-believer of the whole thing so it doesn't effect me in my decision in naming and slamming game
3. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Another really big title, from a really popular series. This game is a Real Time Strategy game based on the idea of the warring USA + allies against the Soviet Union with one additional power, the Imperial Kingdom of Japan. You can guess the rest from there. Even though this is a great biased to well known series, they do offer things which not very many game have, longevity! This game will make you come back to it because there are things in the game which will get you really hooked to it... hopefully EA didn't stuff it full of advertising and just **** everyone with the repeat performances of previous titles. Last chance EA!
4. N+
Originated from a simple little flash game on the net and now, on the portable device. I honestly enjoyed playing it and its simplicities within the game. It doesn't try to act macho and tough to everyone, but does act like it is scared title fearing people's opinion about the game and does what it was meant to do, ignore what people say and venture on the path where idiots can not touch and break the tower of cards. Just for avoiding the creator's wrath that's known as the gamer's opinions, it has done the right thing for the overall game
Multiplatformers are usually hard in terms of deciding what is best since they like to stand out as something which should be own on multiple systems, such as Xbox 360 and PC, yet, their gameplay can actually take a 270 approach and stack it really hard in case their gamble doesn't pay off, in that case, have exclusives only obtainable via own all copies of the game title. eg. Soul Calibre 4
Rock Band/Guitar Hero World Tour
I'm normally laxed about having to pay a decent price if it is warranted but give me a freaking break EA! First, they royally delay the title for the PAL regions then they have the nerve to up the price in the PAL regions, almost to the point of an unfair currency exchange of over 10-20c to every Dollar/Euro/Pound at least! Same with World Tour. Does it really does double the freaking price to ship it to USA, then to the PAL regions and then say it was originally shipped to a low taxed nations say... Lichtenstein and then fudge the price a bit and profiteer off the PAL regions. Here's a bit of consumer advise to piss them off... Import the bloody instruments and just buy the game itself. Consider the game is region locked, who said they can do the same the equipment ey? As for USA and other countries within the range, feel lucky you don't have to really deal with it constantly on a day by day basis.
PC Exclusives
Due to the main problem of PC games also being released on the Xbox 360, it has made selection twice as hard, but the should be suffice to put the PC as still a dominant medium for games.
1. Sam & Max
This is a move which no one should of saw coming. Even though it seems like a really childish theme with graphics which should suit the Pre-schoolers, don't be fooled into what this game has to offer to gamers who love a good laugh. This game contains laughs which actually suit the more mature audience, though, some of the mini-games are childish and is questionable for the adult audience, overall, this is a really enjoyable game. Even though the game may be annoying to a point, weird beyond all respects and short once you've completed the game fully, don't ever under-estimate its potential as a keeper of a game title.
2. AudioSurf
A very very big title which was released on steam and is addictive that if you are simply bored of just surfing and listening to music, Audiosurf and listen to your favourite music! (Weird that this game almost does promote the use of illegally obtained music files...)
As I mentioned before, there is a problem with titles being available for Xbox 360 along with PC since they are very similar in terms of architecture. Though there are some questionable titles out there which is exclusive to the PC
Either we have a bunch of silly and immature sex-o-holics out there, or parents are being overprotective and all those bored people are just designing too many dick/vagina monsters. Haven't the human race just evolve better than the dolphins or the baby seals ey? What if someone were to design both baby seal monsters plus the clubs? Let's see the activists get right on top of that!
Sims 2 Expansions
I'm not being precise here since the number of expansion packs out there for the Sims 2 is starting to get to the point where it is just more fun counting stubbed toes by heel wearing girls than gifts of Sims 2 to them as gestures of courting and romance. Don't underestimate the allure of the game to both sexes, that's for sure! (Not a date killer if you play your cards right)
My least favourite system, though, there have been titles which has been major focal points.
1. Little Big World
Very simple concept and it worked like a charm. It seems like there's now a big trend back towards the simple form of gaming than the full on complex and linear titles which are available these days and even if it is a large dynamic game, it still doesn't stack up towards the simple ones. All companies, prepare the take notes!
2. WipEout HD
The old game making a really really big come back and why not? It still has a pretty strong fan base and it is still hella fun to play! I mean, beats that weird Star Wars racing game for the N64 and certainly easy to learn but difficult to master.
Metal Gear Solid 4
This should of been obvious that I was going to put it up sooner or later since I did have a grudge with this game and the EA syndrome of milking their titles dry bone until it just turns into dust upon first contact. But hey, it is all for the fans isn't it?
Playstation Portable
I honestly have an uneasy gripe against this system due to the simple fact that it does suck as a medium, because they royally stuffed up the diagonals on the D-pad and analogue stick, but at least there's a few games which do by-pass that problem altogether.
1. Patapon
Of those who don't know very much about the game, it is simply a rhythmic game based on beats and thinking. To those who know the game, Pata Pata Pata Pon
2. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
To those who really dread the Final Fantasy series, this game won't change your mind about the series, but to those who know very little about it, this is just a prologue to the popular series and a cult following to the original game, Final Fantasy VII. If you start your game here, if doesn't wreck your understanding of the first game, so there really isn't much to fear.
This is kinda an on and off game system of mine, though, I honestly do blame the amount of juggling between work, university and sleep along with blogging this. But hell, this is popular with both sexes, so this is one of the more important systems of any gaming generation, but then again, a lot of the Nintendo systems have been revolutionary on all fronts.
1. Wii Fit
Many would of expected Super Smash Brothers Brawl here, but to be blunt as hell, I stopped playing it after unlocking all the characters within the game. I'll explain this later, but about Wii Fit... I did write a news blogs about the Wii Fit, but then again, everything in life is harsh, and everything in life is cruel, but everyone has to take it as a learning curve. If someone is new to something, of course they will perform really badly at it until they are really good at it and may actually do improve overall without even noticing! This is actually one of the Wii devices which should be monitored because there is actually a lot of potential in this technology and I honestly can think of several ideas and uses for this device such as using it for FPS games as a sort of travelling board, party games for Mario Party, something for Raving Rabbids, maybe something for Legend of Zelda, and/or the next Wii Sport.
2. Boom Blox
Great thinking party game, though, this game can just last about minutes if you play by yourself, but tonnes and tonnes of hours if you got a good competitive company playing this game with and against you. Not very much unlocking of things requiried, but does require a lot of hand to eye co-ordination. Prove me wrong if you like.
3. Mario Kart Wii
I must admit that this is the worst game when it comes to unlocking things and I am honestly very annoyed with some of the requirements as the DS version is hella more easier and much more fun in terms of trying to double star blood rape every cup but then again, there just isn't a very good scatter in terms of vehicles in play. Such as slow accelerating cars with high speeds, good drifting but bad turbo boosts and then the opposite end being just that along with a balanced kart or bike with karts being good one one thing, whilst the other is good with the other being good with something else. That's kinda lazy in terms of approach, but hey, at least everything is a lot of visible and clear than another very popular title.
4. Super Smash Brother Brawl
Yeah, it is about time I where to put that bugger of a game up here considering. With all things considered, really really big maps, such as Lucus's stage, becomes far too painful in terms of trying to hit a certain jump with precision when they almost appear as small as those annoy flies or mozzies, but think about which is worse... Small pixels on screen which may be taunting at you for being really stupid for having a small screen or a fly buzzing? I'd say the pixel since a fly can be easily dealt with if you got the skill to do such a thing, but the game is more for the button mashers and those who button mashing will make you fret about the idea of having to fork out money and time to go get new controllers to replace the ones that your idiot friends broke because they are sore losers or winner or... biting on the controller like a seal being clubbed with a wiffle bat
Xbox 360
I haven't been bothered touching this system since I honestly can't be bothered playing the games on that system nower days. But it doesn't mean that there aren't any good games for it.
1. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
With BK taking a big 360 and moving to the 360, all eyes are watching to see if they are able to create the same cult following as with the N64. It is a major move since they are the same creators of the popular N64 title, Perfect Dark 64. Can Rare pull the popular bunny out of their hat? You be the judge and try the game out and then tell me
If you were after popular or hyped titles to be must gets, think again... I have no real interest in hyped games, just those that are really good and doesn't create a great deal of glamour, which I would like to call... the Hilton effect. But hey, if you really want me to mention it, then I will... but be warned!
Gear of War 2
Can someone tell me why this game would be something to look forward to... say... Left 4 Dead? L4D is cheaper and available for PC and 360, but GoW2 is only available to 360... so... where's the fun in not having a FPS title on PC? O wait, there are those that really love FPS on consoles, but then again... the weapon switching system was painful and it took me hours to get used to their weapon switching and bomb throwing system, even at one point underestimating the bomb throwing distance and fluffed that one up royally and you can guess how it turned out. In many PC FPS, I have a really good habit of unleashing headshot kills, this one... I have never had such trouble dealing with such a concept before... if they are going to introduce a pistol in a game, at least make it balanced enough to complete with the other weapons...
Fable II
"Plant a tree and it'll grow." That's what they wanted you to think about the game. Great idea, but what if you are a really really bugger and destroy everything you meet?
Guy: I have a mission for you Mr o' Chicken kicker
Hero: *kills guys* Huh? what mission? I see no mission
There goes progress...
This list is definately a lot harder to make than you honestly think. Though, I really must point out, do not dare to intoxicate yourself and blog, it does create sleeping problems as then, you'll go overboard with the booze, but everyone has their vices and their way of doing things.
This is a service for parents, gamers, present ideas to/from gamers, etc.
When I hit the free time from uni and work, regular weekly blogging services will resume as normal, until then, register for the RSS feed as I'll try and put them in whenever I've got the time to spare up. In the event that I can not resume normal service before Christmas and New Years, I would like to extend a Happy Christmas and New Years to everyone out there reading Gamer Grunt and have continued to support me by reading Gamer Grunt, 50GGS and Great Games Specials.
Gamer Grunter signing out!
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