I guess it'd be something like Elder Scrolls, which get all the critical acclaim, but which I never play for more than an hour before losing any semblance of focus and quit.
to solve this, i unplug it at night and then plug it right back in, the light goes red and connect24 is off. i do it this way cuz its annoying to go into wii setup and stuff every time i want to do some everyone votes stuff
I just got totally finished with the godfather, and am now starting on MK:A...lot of stuff to unlock.
Kinda hoping I can avoid scarface...it looks really fun, but its the same genre as godfather and i have other games to be getting..and i still have MK:A like i said, plus SPM to finish. and RE4:Wii the week after next. and maybe pokemon AND harry potter the week after that. my poor wallet :(
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