[QUOTE="FFXIsAstyanax"]Online gameplay doesn't save a game from having a horrible single-player mode (read Halo 2). While I hope a decent amount of the Wii's games have an online multiplayer feature, I hope even more that any addition of that feature does not come at the cost of the single-player experience.ColonelWilks
Umm, that's exactly what saved Halo 2. And if Nintendo doesnt see the need for online-enabled games later on, I'd say that their sales would suffer. Pretend that you're a random consumer. If you see a console that lets you play COD III in mediocre graphics for $250 and a console that lets you play COD III in hi-def and unlimited replayability due to online matches for $400, which one would you get? Not to mention that (in terms of multiplats) its not just COD III that looks better and has online, its everything.
Nintendo's sales have been suffering for two home console generations now and they are still head and shoulders more profitable than microsoft or sony game divisions.
and really, nintendo fans don't buy the systems for generic stuff like CoD3. it was fun to plow thru in a weekend rental, but that's not the meat of the experience, and wouldn't be even if it was hi def, online, etc.
that said, most games that have a reason to be online, will be online, somewhat in 2007, and majorly in 2008 and on.
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