Xerlaoth's forum posts
no character specific fatalities sucks, also, how come its not on GS shipping out this week list.iloverikku11
this is the result of GS being what industry insiders like to refer to as "teh lame"
its true, but going under a different name
escape from bug island i think is the new one
Nintendo won't drop the price unless demand dries up. That won't happen for a while. I suspect that the Wii, like the PSP, won't get a price until at least 2 years after it launched. That would put a price drop around the end of 2008 or the beginning of 2009. Have fun waiting. The only console that needs a price drop now is the PS3!santiagochile
using that logic, wouldn't the wii take longer than psp to drop in price? cuz like...wii has already sold more units than psp, no? lol :(
me and my 3 buds in high school played melee for like 6 hours a night, for 3 years i think...lots of cursing, screaming, hating at each other, all kinds of wacky hijinx that occur in these games (assuming you're not chodes like the tournament people who turn off items...)
just yeah, so many great memories..this one time in the mushroom kingdom castle level i got stuck between the huge bullet bill, a walkin bobomb, and a legendary dog pokemon :\ haha
I never even touched the DL option for EVC...just seemed like a waste of time.
Whoever said that it's a good theory, but bad application and business, is correct. They'd shoot themselves in the foot releasing all "must have" titles at the same time. Why? Well, what in the world would they be able to funnel out in the future?
The way they do it now allows them to put out impulse buys while people wait for the "must haves"
video games are kinda a waste of time and we do it anyway lol :(
That's a good idea. N should use everybody votes channel for consumer information and the VC could use some more, better games.gatsbythepig
That's a good idea. N should use everybody votes channel for consumer information and the VC could use some more, better games.gatsbythepig
it sounds ok in theory, but nintendo doesn't wanna put all the most popular games on the VC at once, that's bad business
and personally, i don't want to spend 30 dollars a week getting every must have title of the past 20 years.
oh, and i kinda like the nonsensical stuff that appears on voting channel, i check it every morning now as part of my normal routine
I think the point is, based on what i have read, this was a Little known Gem for the Gamecube.
But if they do Wiimake it, it will come to a whole new base, a much larger base than the Cube had when it came out there.
I think the point is, based on what i have read, this was a Little known Gem for the Gamecube.
But if they do Wiimake it, it will come to a whole new base, a much larger base than the Cube had when it came out there.
Not really true, the GC probably had a base of 20 million or so when K7 came out. Its just a niche game.
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