Xerlaoth's forum posts
probably would work, if RTS wasn't the single worst genre in the history of gaming (sorry dating simulators, you lose)
seriously tho, i can't stand them personally, but you'll probably see a few in the library sometime. none that we know anything about as of yet, tho.
edit: unless battalion wars 2 is RTS, i never played the first one so i don't know.
There's an embargo so maybe they announced it was online but can't tell us.Duckman5
according to IGN that embargo was lifted, and reggie made a pretty long speech, it said nothing of MP3 being online. but i believe tomorrow is the 2nd day of the summit, so stay tuned.
I am personally not a fan of Super Paper Mario (the first two are SO MUCH BETTER) so I couldn't in good taste recommend it to you. I guess I'm just not a big fan of the horrendous 2D art style they chose for the game, nor am I very fond of the rudimentary story and cheesy dialog. It feels like some game I could make in kindergarden, so needless to say I was completely disappointed with the look and feel of the game, though there are a few redeeming qualities. I don't even think it deserves a score in the high 8s. Realistically, I'd score it more in the low 6 range.
So yah, wait for ResidentEvil 4 or Smash Bros. SPM isn't worth your time.
Just about everything he said is wrong, as the art style isn't horrendous (its the same as the previous two, pretty much..), and the dialogue is genuinely humorous, as every review has said. there's a bit too much dialogue, but it is very funny.
It is very light on the RPG elements, if that's what you're looking for.
"new VC games" is a contradictory statement, as nintendo has said repeatedly the VC is exclusively for re-introducing classic games.
But all the rumors have been that there will be original downloadable content in the wii ware section of the shop channel soon enough.
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