XxAK47xX's forum posts
I just read on the xbox website that the way you watch tv is via a pass through system which means you still need your original box top setup. The you have and hdmi from the original DVR to the xbox1. what about using the X1 as replacement for a secondary reciver that i have in my room. I have the AT&T UVERSE service. I would love it if i could just an app for tv rather than a pass through like most devices like the logitec RVue ( or something)
Nobody said anything about not being able to use the controller. Use it if you please. It will just be much faster to speed you command as far as doing deeper menu stuff.The only truly amazing Kinect game that is coming is Ryse. It has a lot of potential, especially with the new imprtoved Kinect. Otherwises, I just HATE the overall concept of using it to go through the dashboard, etc. I HAVE A GODDAMN CONTROLLER! I don't need to use Kinect to move around the screen.
like i said you might just want to stay indoors. Im not saying that if they are recording every second of you life and selling it on the black market is a cool idea, but what are the chances. if someone figured out that microsoft was doing that, it would be the end of them as we kow it.ÂIf anyone buy this console knowing that it will be spying on them (it will), then they're f@cking stupid.
This is really funny can't believe anyone believes this stuff, but maybe a child might.
One thing we all have to realize is that everything you do with the kinect can basically be done with the controller. The kinect is an add bonus that does not feel like its been tacked on. it is a fully integrated device that almost has limitless possibilities with the proper cooperation of good software development. If you really sit down and think about just the few technology's  that they showed off like the 1080p video that can track your "heart rate" and facial expressions, it its mind blowing. imaging you are playing a horror game and the game can react to you face and blood pressure;or a game with branching  conversations can be answered by the natural response of your face. your face does a lot of things while playing games and you don't even know it. if your so scared of a camera watching you, i would say stay way from target, Walmart and soon other markets. those cameras are also attached to sophisticated computers that track where each person goes around the store.Â
maybe it can tell us bed time stories. it wil watch us untill we knock out. :cry:
Why is that? there will be enough games shown at E3 to bend the average person over and and take their wallet. Microsoft drilled it into our heads that there will be very limited games shown at this 1 hour show. When they have like 2 hours to show games then you will start to cry because it will be impossible to afford them all.No... RIP BOX
Housewives and Grandmas might be interested tho...
i don't mean to be a bad poster it's just when a thread get locked without a reason posted or a PM, it's kinda dumb. It's like being pulled over for no reason. Also I don't remember how I got to level 35. I have been using game spot for like 10 years.How did such a terrible poster get to lv35?
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