There is to much positivity on an xbox one topic. I'm feeling uncomfortable. anyways, the game is really fun except for two things. 1) server lag and 2) my game has crashed 5 times since i have gotten the game.
@Garfield360UK: yea that would be good practice. If you get a handle of manual, I would suggest the trying out manual with clutch. You will have even more control of your car during a drift. Nothing like dropping the clutch at a much higher rev and saving your ass from wall crash.
The problem is that it is very intensive running emulations of games. Even tho there games that were backwards compatible, they never ran as good as they did on their native hardware. My PC sometimes struggles to emulate game cube games. Im not saying the xbox one is not fast enough to emulate 360 games or even xbox games. It can definitely be done, but i don't want to play it if its laggy.
yeah definitely liking the demo. other than a couple of visual flaws, the game looks really good. The flaw that i saw was when it was raining and you were driving, the water did not move or change. All the game play videos i watch showed the dynamic water, but i didn't see any of that in the demo.
@mdk12345: i think it will and also surpass it. Microsoft (Xbox Division ) is to hungry to not be on top. Give a really hungry person with extremely deep pockets and you get an extremely satisfied user :D.
@Tonindo: no, the problem between the the ds/dsi and 3ds/n3ds isd the athis is a cpu upgrade that is not separating the crowd. the dsi is just a camera and some other features.
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