you can stand it up no problem, but you cant use disks. if you play all digital then you are fine. just make sure you fan exit is on the top half so heat doesn't get trapped near the CD drive and HDD.
XxAK47xX's forum posts
@blkgto: either your console is faulty or you are.
@behardy24: i dont mind the graphics but if the next one can really step it up without losing the 60 fps
Single player campaign, co-op, more weapons + attachments, more players(at least 12vs12), get rid of bots, and leaderboards.
you know what i though i was not going to like the bots but after playing it it adds a good flow to the matches. i like that fact that even you you are not getting any kills you can kinda keep your momentum up by killing bots. I would like to see smaller matches 6v6 no mechs.
Post your E3 predictions or what you want to see. Doesn't have to be just the MS conference but what you want to see from 3rd party support as well.
Here's what I'm pretty confident will be shown for sure:
- ID@Xbox montage, and maybe some release dates for bigger titles (Below and others)
- Gears of War teaser
- Halo 5 unveiling with release date (2015 is my guess)
- New Rare title (whether it's a game by them or a IP with a different developer like Killer Instinct, we'll see)
- Forza Horizon 2
- Quantum Break gameplay + release date
- Of course goes without saying we'll see CoD gameplay
What I'm 50% sure we'll see
- Fallout 4 announcement
- New Epic game, not exclusive but maybe the DLC will be timed. Where's Shadow Complex 2?
- New Resident Evil
- Dragon Age Inquisition game play demo
- Ryse 2 (possibly a new developer with Crytek working on free to play)
- At least 3 new IPs shown off, with 1 being from Lionhead
- Fable Legends gameplay and release date
Now something different, here's some games I think will get announced on a different conference or by themselves via media interviews (3rd party support)
- Borderlands 3 - early next gen development
- Mass Effect 4 early footage/announcement trailer
- New Star Wars action IP from Visceral
- New Prince of Persia
- Another new Sonic
- Beyond Good & Evil 2 gameplay (finally!)
everything you said plus more games i cant think of right now. I do feel like they are going to do another big push with kinect by showing us some great features. Then the will mention again that they have a version without kinect. We will hear/see a demonstration of cloud computing. Games with gold and other stuff.
nintendo > Super Nintendo > playstation 1 > DreamCast > playstation 2 > Xbox > Xbox 360 > Xbox One (: i think this is what i had
------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 month) -------------GameCube
@solarplex: I picked up wolfenstine: new order. I like the game a lot. and i just pre ordered watch dogs cuz im in the mood for a game like that. GTA is not coming around anytime soon.
you know what's funny. When xbox live first launched and through out the original xbox's life time time, People actually used their microphones. There was communication and you could meet people and talk back and forth. I haven't been in a game like those days since 2007. All I walk into is dead rooms with maybe a few people coughing.
I just recently purchased titan fall and i have been playing quite a bit. I could help notice two issues: first is that i see screen tearing and second is frame rate struggle /skipping. I see these problems in every match i play.
i have a samsung LED tv and game mode is turned on. Does anyone else notice these problems.
i just picked the digital copy of the a the game yesterday for 30 bucks.
currently playing battlefield 4. I just purchases the premium pack. well worth it. I was originally going to get titan fall with that money but I didn't like it so I stuck with the awesome bf4
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