@BoromiRwcgeorge @Yuusha09 That's why it's doomed to fail. They should be making their movies for their target audience. If Transformers can be made for under 200 mil, its basically all CGI, I have faith they can make a good CGI movie for 200mil.
Why go to Hollywood? You have probably 3 studios that are great at CGI, who could make a movie that gamers would prefer to watch. Go hire a good author to write the script and start animating.
@eddieham13 I have only ever seen GS re-review a game once. That game was Natural Selection 2 and they found out the reviewer didn't even play it. I'm almost 99% certain this won't be re-reviewed, even though the game is a solid 8 when it runs.
Yuusha09's comments