@Zaistev_basic @Yuusha09 My dog has worms, should I let my dog die because the parasite within him is evil? I support the developers I like. I don't let the parasite attached to them stop me from supporting the developers from surviving. (Just an example, my dogs are healthy :D)
@Daemoroth @Yuusha09 @conch6thuf True. I do have a feeling, though, that half these people didn't buy it, havent played it, and have no need to be raging on this matter. (At Maxis, rage all you want at EA.)
@Zaistev_basic @Yuusha09 I don't want a refund, never said I did. I know exactly how rocky launches can be, and I don't get bent out of shape when it happens. I have enjoyed what I've been able to play and will be happily playing this weekend when this is sorted out
So how many of you people bashing the hell out of the game have actually tried it? The DRM and launch were awful, yea, but has anyone here commenting actually PLAYED? It's a great game, don't discredit Maxis for EA's bullshit.
@sam628 That is a lie, you can go beyond 100,000. People are upset that the cities are smaller in size (relative to old SC), but you can connect up to 16 of these cities depending on the locale. These 16 unique cities that all live and function off of one another with their own specializations, and all influence how you build the next city.
Yuusha09's comments