@paul120987 If enough of us spam the hell out of Amazon anytime an EA, heavy DRM, game comes out I'm sure they will. They lose money for stuff like this so I'm sure they will notice a trend.
@floydshayvious YES! For all the BS involved the game is actually great. LesserAngel is right in that you no longer terrraform and zoning is now based off of roads and not giant blocks of ground. Wait a couple weeks if you want to play it, the game is quite well made.
@23Jarek23 It's like that nurse who refused to give CPR to a dying women because they're boss said it wasn't "protocol" and that they'd be fired for doing so. The woman died...
@Aleksanian So by you're concept, Pokemon is an MMO, Dark Souls is an MMO, any single player game with a leaderboard or some form of online gimmick is an MMO.... Mega-Man is now an MMO b.c of leaderboards and achievments?
Yuusha09's comments