Planetside 2 has one of the best f2p models out there. I'm not a fan of the pop-up, but is by no means overly obtrusive or ruining my gameplay experience.
@Saidrex @neowarrior121 I'm not afraid of an ad. I have self control. If you're scared by your lack of self control then by all means don't play ftp games.
@nurnberg Well you know.... l2p. It's hard to take you serious when you don't even notice the guns are 7$ (if you CHOOSE to pay). Gaining certs isn't hard and some of the best guns in the game are the cheaper ones. That 2% stat difference from that item that you "played hours for" won't change the fact that positioning and awareness are everything.
That's all well and good, but it doesn't matter when it shouldn't happen in the first place. If you make a statement / major change and 90% of the feedback is negative ,SimCity and Command & Conquer 4 for instance, then you shouldn't make the change in the first place. No one cares if you want to be "innovative" if that innovation is in the completely wrong direction.
Yuusha09's comments