Tis a sad day when Square Enix is the "company that makes Deus Ex and Tomb Raider." Final Fantasy has become the red headed step-child.
Offline or not, the game sucks. There are so many issues and just plain stupid design ideas all they way through.
@Prats1993 @CriticalCritic It's called a "machine for pigs", I think you can infer the types of enemies.
I always thought Arthas' arc could make an alright movie, other than that I'm stumped on where they would go with it.
@spartanx169x Valve has just been at it for a decade, that's really it. They also have a MUCH better selection of developers / games.
@rolla020980 @Yuusha09 Thinking gun control "doesn't matter" is why we're fucked. All you need to do is look at Australia. If we did what Australia does, this wouldn't have happened.
Yuusha09's comments