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tdig 10/12/06 - DUHHHHHHH!!!!

i finally figured decided to figure out how to play the prototype EarthboundZero (Eng. Mother) and figured out the stupid money system, all this time I never sat down to the game because I thought the rom was crapped up, so I tried the demiforce hack and it did the same. So previously I wondered if there was a bank in Podunk, and just kept looking around. Eventually I saw an ATM looking thing in the Dept. Store and walked up to it, doing stuff w/ my card and figured it out.

FINALLY!!! So now in addition to Pkmn Emerald (or Emerpbee as my g6 calls it) I'm playing EarthboundZero, and when I finish that I'm playing Earthbound(Mother2).

Now if only we could get flipping Mother3, omfg. I'd cream.

tdig 10/11/06 - you b@st@ards!

I finally broke down and got Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team. It was so frustrating playing shoot the bullet because i'm not very good, so I just said whatever and started playing this game I said I never would.

Can anyone guess what pokemon I got? Extra points if you can guess the partner I chose.

tdig 10/10/06 - my new video

today was my stepmom's b-day. also watch my short clip from the game i'm playing, shoot the bullet

in related news, i'm almost finished w/ mario advance 3. cool yah? gonna upload my other toho footage when i get to the library later tonight, PLEASE GIVE ME A COMMENT

tdig 10/9/06 - try and try again

i spent like hours and hours tonight trying to get my footage of lv.1 on lunatic mode converted to a small enough size to upload, to no avail. I ended up going to fredericksburg to see off a friend of mine who's shipping off to new mexico tommorow for college. I say god speed, but it was sortof sad to see him go.

so tommorow i'll have that vid up, hopefully... and also i discovered shoot the bullet, pretty much the most fantastic danmaku game ever. needless to say no homework was done and i'll be up all night

tdig 10/8/06 - contact soon

Alright! Only a week or so until Contact is released! Finally I'll have something to get my DS out of playing GBA games nonstop.

p.s. "Oh, I didn't even realize the T.V. was sideways." -roomate, regarding various bullet hell games

tdig 10/7/06 - danmaku

remember a while back i posted a video of some guy flipping out playing imperishable night? well now i have that game, and a bunch of the other touhou bunkachou games and i'm totally playing them non-stop. well that and ABA games.

sometimes when i close my eyes, i see bullet patterns, and they hurt real bad

tdig 10/5/06 - VIDEO BLOG!!!!!! SHMUP CHECK IT!

here is my proof that I'm at least TRYING to improve my shmup skills, it gets sloppy when i try to IM someone at the same time, i did the music (microsonic)


i'm not cheating, when it looks like i've been hit, i've only grazed, which most shooters allow

tdig 10/4/06 - blog blog blog

today was n8's birthday, i told him "up yours!" but i did that tommorow. alot of homework tonight but i finished metroid 4 and all that, c8)8) biznathhhhhch

anyways NOONE reads this so whtvr, video games rule