I keep hearing that gaming on the PC is slowly dying. Some of the blame can be due to publisher's worrying about piracy, but other blames are attributed to the cost of maintaining a high end PC for years while consoles remain dormant regarding hardware. I personally don't think that PC gaming is going anywhere (meaning nonexistant/dormant). While I understand the need to combat piracy, and the fact that not everyone can maintain an enthusiast level PC, the interface that the PC provides far surpasses that of consoles. Nobody buys a console with the hopes of a key/mouse interface otherwise they would buy a gaming PC. Do you think that developers are slowly straying from the PC format other than the obvious such as Blizzard? I think that sales for MMOs such as SWTOR and WOW would surely keep PC gaming viable for some time, but are we doomed eventually?
Give reasons as to why PC gaming will thrive or fail. Simply reading the topic headline is not truly contributing to the thread's intent.
I read that console gaming had a cataclysmical fall in sales last month, about a 30% year on year (just after a 20% fall in December), and the prospections for this year are even worse, whereas Steam grew from 30 to 40 million users and some publishes as EA had in his DLC clients (Origin) his more proficient business. How that fits in your crazy theories?
Wii is a dead horse, PS3 sales are in decline and Xbox 360 run out of titles -multis? you can play multis en PC, and better- and no one is sure about the fate of 3DS and PS Vita, so how can you talk about PC gaming dying when is clearly putting console gaming aside? Free to play games, Steam sales and low cost gaming in PC are slaughtering the pricey console gaming scheme... And you're on the verge of the need to buy a new generation of machines -which some experts think that could be the last one, at least in portable handheld consoles-.
You're wrong, man, the hole that PC gaming is carving is not for him, is for this gen of consoles...
I don't know what crazy therory I am making that you are referencing since you neglect to point out what that absent theory I made actually is. If you took the time to read the very quote that you replied to, you would see that I actually state that PC gaming is not going anywhere in my opinion. I don't have the time nor energy to defend every single thing that I type, but I think that if anyone would simply take the time to read such entries, they might see that some of these generic responses to the topic headline are not valid hence the reason I adjusted the OP in bold at the bottom. Ugh...
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