I enjoyed being here and interacting with people on here from 2007 until 2013. I've finally found a good community on Twitter to talk about games, some of them are former Gamespotters themselves. I post about game stuff nearly everyday on Twitter , and so do many other people from the community I've discovered. https://twitter.com/starocean17 . There's creative ways we talk about older and newer games, by having themes for each day, such as MegaDriveMonday, PS2sDay, VitaWednesday,PS3sDay, PS4riday/Nintendo Friday, etc. I doubt anyone will read this, since most Gamespotters moved on or abandoned their account after Gamespot turned to shit after 2013.
ZanarkandTidus Blog
Gaming and life updates
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
Recently I've platinumed Final Fantasy 7 and Valkyria Chronicles. 2 of the best RPGs ever made. The PS4 version of FF7 has more polished visuals, and the buildings have nice textures. Honestly, I think those were the only modifications FF7 needed, not a full-on remake. I keep asking, why tinker with one of the best games ever made? It was nice playing through Valkyria Chronicles, one of the most innovative e RPGs ever, with a great mix of turn-based strategy and real-time gameplay. It has a good story too.
I've also played through and platinumed Hellblade. A very powerful experience about mental illness. Truthfully, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia just recently, and Hellblade nails what I go through. It actually has a love story within it too... And some of the dark atmospheres on the beach are beautiful but sad at the same time.
I started a game named ''Drowning'' which is also about depression, and it's artistic and beautiful but sad. Just like with Hellblade, it hurt to witness the content despite it having much meaning.
I tried getting into Final Fantasy Type 0, and while it's story is dark and emotional at times, it's gameplay leaves a lot to be desired.
I played through at platinumed Far Cry Primal. It is a fun game. It's kinda like a caveman Zelda game.
Truthfully, I haven't played games much over the past few years, depression and psychosis make it hard for me to feel motivated.
Square Enix teases Final Fantasy X-3
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
Square Enix recently held a special Dissidia Final Fantasy NT broadcast even where it was showed the “Later Years of Tidus & Yuna” illustration by Tetsuya Nomura. Some of the staff of Square Enix were asked for the possibility for a remaster or a sequel to Final Fantasy X2 what they said got me very excited with the possibility of a new story for one of my favorites RPG Final Fantasy X.
Read below what Yoshinori Kitase said:
“Currently, Final Fantasy X’s latest story is recorded in the voice drama for the HD Remaster, but back when we decided to include the voice drama the staff was really excited about the thoughts of ‘Don’t you want to make Final Fantasy X-3?’ However, most of them have been busy and so we haven’t been able to make it happen.”
Tetsuya Nomura made the illustration for the voice drama, and it was included in the Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition which was held in Tokyo earlier this year.
Takeo Kujiraoka, Dissidia Final Fantasy Director: “There’s been some requests to make this (Later Years of Tidus & Yuna) into costumes, and when I asked Nomura-san he said ‘First make Final Fantasy X-3then,’ to which I responded ‘Right!’”
Yoshinori Kitase: “For now, I hope fans can look at this illustration and just wonder ‘I wonder what would happen in Final Fantasy X-3?’
Final Fantasy X is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square originally released in 2001 for Sony’s PlayStation 2, the game was re-released as Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in 2013, for PlayStation 4 in 2015, Microsoft Windows in 2016, and will be released for the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One in 2019.
Soma impressions
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
So, I'm a couple of hours into Soma, and so far it's been interesting, but frustrating as well. Basically, it's a Sci Fi horror. I'm not a big fan of first person perspective, it makes me dizzy, and the gameplay revolves mainly on solving puzzles (which gets tedious), but the disturbing things happening in the environment and the plot twists have made it worth it so far.
Oh Mai, the sexy woman who swindled me in Yakuza Kiwami
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
What I love about Yakuza games is they don't beat around the bush. They show things such as prostitution, and show a male's perspective of how we view women, such as how the camera will often focus on a woman's body and breasts and move it's way up to her face.
Anyways, a woman wearing a revealing, low-cut dress asked Kazuma to come with her for a drink, and the camera focused much on her breasts, as if it's trying to let you know what Kazuma would be thinking in that situation, and after some sexual flirting by her and a few drinks, Kazuma wakes up hung over, and with 1 million yen missing!
So me/Kazuma got conned by this woman, but this happens in real life and can be a life lesson, but SJWs will think of some way to make a negative spin about this.
This is the woman who conned me.
Shenmue III’s Crowdfunding Closed at $7,179,510
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
ByGiuseppe Nelva Over three years have passed since what many call the “E3 of Dreams” in 2015, and Shenmue III has been in development since, funded by a Kickstarter campaign and by an additional crowdfunding effort centered on Ys Net’s official website. The crowdfunding campaign was closed in September this year, and today the developer shared the final tally. We now know that 81,087 fans provided $7,179,510 to fund the development of the game, fueling everyone’s hopes and dreams. We’re now less than a year away from the massively-anticipated release of Shenmue III, and many younger gamers have finally been able to enjoy the first two games of the series I still remember the magic moment when the sakura petals started floating on the screen of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s E3 press conference. I will admit that I’m gonna miss that in 2019. If you want to relive that moment, you can watch it again in the video below, courtesy of YouTube user FrenchyRom. For the sake of full disclosure, keep in mind that the author of this post is one of those 81,087 backers. Shenmue III will finally fulfill its promise on August 27th, 2019, and will be released for PS4 and PC.
I beat Second Son
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
I beat Second Son. The game does give you some awesome abilities such as video (lets you summon demons and glide), neon (exhilarating speed with a gorgeous effect), and the cencrete power was fun for a bit. However, Delsin and his brother are the 2 stupidest characters I've seen. Fetch is a likable character though, and I didn't mind Eugene.
Now I'm working towards the plat, and many of the requirements have a criteria that borders into being annoying, rather than a good kind of challenge. Especially since if you save your progress on the tallest building incase you mess up the trophies for staying in the air 45 seconds and comet drop 170 meters, you will not respawn on that building, but somewher else, which means you need to do a few minutes of work to get to the top of the building, since it's surrounded by electrical currents hence you can't just sprint along the side of the building. The trophy for using 3 powers to kill an enemy was a pain to get in post story mode since there's not much enemies around and it's always difficult to find a video power recharge, and same goes for the 2 air vent one.
And then there's trophies that involve killing sign twirlers or street musicians whom can appear randomly anywhere, hence I run around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to find them
Still need to do another playthrough on the expert difficulty and need to get good karma, as well as obtaining all the blast shards and doing a whole bunch of side missions. I wouldn't mind it so much if I wasn't eager to move onto Final Fantasy Type 0. If I played this game when it was released early during the PS4's life cycle then the plat requirements wouldn't feel so tedious.
Finished Guardians of the Galaxy Telltale, and plans for my backlog
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
I've finished/platinumed Guardians of the Galaxy. It was enjoyable enough, but I must say it is my least favorite Telltale game. The game does feel rushed, because the story could have been fleshed out better (it's very short, each episode is only 1 hour long), and the story writing and dialogue could be better, it's like the writers went overboard in portraying the characters as being immature.
Now I can see what the former staff at Telltale meant when they said they felt they were being worked too hard,because it feels like this game was released to meet a deadline, rather than one they could put their heart into.
Next, I will beat Second Son and will try to platinum it, which will take a fair bit of time, since I think I'm only 30% into SS story, and then I will move onto FF Type 0, and I want to try to platinum it also, since I've heard it's plat is very obtainable. I think in mid December, I'll reactive PS Plus so I can beat Yakuza Kiwama and snag whatever games they have (I'm hoping they will be generous since it will be around Christmas).
Either way, it's not a bad backlog to have...
Guardians of the Galaxy Telltale
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
I'm up to chapter 3 in Guardians of the Galaxy. The story is good and entertaining, as expected it expands upon the movies fairly well, and keeps things interesting. The atmosphere is great, with beautiful nebulae and futuristic cities in the background, and colorful starships. The 80s music makes things even more fun. It has a lot more QTEs than the other Telltale games, and the irony is Drax looks and acts like Kratos...
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A place where we can talk about games or anything.
Type 0, Second Son, R6 Seige and Yakuza Kiwami
by ZanarkandTidus on Comments
I've purchased Final Fantasy Type 0 and inFAMOUS Second Son. Both games are fairly cheap now. The thing is, I opted for a physical copy of Type 0 because I like to collect box arts for JRPGs, hence I need to wait for it to arrive in the mail. I opted for a digital version of Second Son.
Second Son is a fun game. It's controls are a lot more fluid and faster than the first inFAMOUS game. However, so far it's mission designs haven't been as fun as in the first inFAMOUS, and Delsin and his brother are really annoying. They act very stupidly and cause the big problems they later need to deal with. And then, when they're in a race against time to save people in their tribe whom are dying, Delsin's brother will be focusing on how to remove Delsin's power, when it's obvious Delsins ability is the only chance of saving the people in their tribe?
I must say, I prefer the first inFAMOUS game, because Cole is a likable character, and it's story presentation is great, and it's gameplay was quite good although it's mechanics aren't as fluid, IMO it's mission designs are more fun.
However, I like how the graphics in Second Son look realistic and crisp. The graphics for the first inFAMOUS game looked a bit ugly, even for PS3 standards.
I also like how the game makes the controller make sounds to make it sound like stuff is happening right next to you. The Wii Controller had this feature, and it's nice it's been brought back again.
I gave Rainbow Six Seige a bit of a play, and while the game has some things going for it, it has some big issues.
No single player campaign. Many online shooter fans will scould me if I complain about a lack of single player campaign, but it's a reality that NOT EVERYONE likes to play multiplayer. I saw on a forum some people had the same complaint as me, and those people got scoulded as if they are snobs or hermits because they don't like to play with other human players.
The game does have some modes which can be played solo, such as situations, which involves rescuing hostages or disarming bombs, but there's only 10 or so of the situations, and they're very short but quite fun.
Terrorist hunt can be played solo, but even veteran FPS gamers have difficulty beating terrorist hunt playing solo because you need to kill 22 enemies whom use very defensive tactics, they guard certain areas and you need to be very good at aiming and shooting to win in this mode because there is no regenerating health.
Terrorist hunt can be played with a total of 5 human players, which means if every human player killed 4.4 enemies, you would easily win. Well, when I play alone, I'm often killing 10+ enemies, so it's not like I'm simply bad at the game, it's just the developers didn't give enough options for single player. I think killing 10 or 15 enemies in solo would be better, because how do they expect 1 person to take on 22 enemies with no regenerating health and dealing with enemies using very defensive tactics.
I do like neat little things about the game such as that robot that has a camera that can roll underneath doors and show you where the enemies are and how they're positioned. This would have made for something good in a story campaign.There's also a rope thing that lets you go onto the roofs of buildings and you can select windows to enter different tactics.
Another thing I hate is you need to have PS Plus to be able to sign this game. I often don't continue my PS Plus subscription because most of the free games they offer are ones I'm not interested in. Anyways, I used a 48 hour trial of PS Plus (even though I've used PS Plus before),to be able to play this game, but I will not pay a monthly fee to play this game.
P.S I just remembered Yakuza Kiwami is a PS Plus game this month, so I made sure I snagged it, and next month when I have time to play Kiwami and other games become available I'll use the PS Plus service again.
I've been playing a bit of Yakuza Kiwami , because I want to see how Kazuma's story begun (I know Yakuza 0 is set before the original Yakuza game, but I want to see events in the original first game). As expected, some emotionally charged events have happened, it shows the honor in Japanese culture, and how they will think about consequences not just for an individual, but also for the individuals family when they make decisons.
I kinda have an idea how the Yakuza story begun, because I watched flashbacks of the first Yakuza game when I played other Yakuza games, but it's nice to see it being presented to me. The other Yakuza games I've played are Y2, Y3 and Y4 . I will say Yakuza 4 is one of my favorite action/adventure games of all time for many reasons, I'm yet to play 5 and 6 , and really want to play 0.
The only thing is, my PS Plus subscription ends tomorrow and I have work tomorrow, but I think I will wait until Decemberto renew my PS Plus subscription so I can pick up PS Plus games for December and January , and plus I still have inFAMOUS Second Son and Final Fantasy Type 0 to keep me busy.
Come join me and other former Gamespotters to talk about games or other stuff on http://harambeshidaway.freeforums.net/
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