@keithod: The soundtrack of Battlefield Vietnam was amazing, especially when it comes from a nearby chopper. This one has an average 3 radio stations with some famous tracks from the time period.
No Region Lock. Yes! Finally, at 2017 a console without regions. FU Microsoft, Sony. I was never a Nintendo fan, but I think this time, my next console, will be Switch.
I do not expect anything great from these developers after the issues with the pre order keys for the previous game that was bundled with Halo Wars 2. Took them weeks to send me, and other customers the codes. Some one needs to remind them that we are already in 2017, not in 1997.
Xbox team doesnt know what it is doing. It is lacking Quality Assurance. One Xbx360 game is downloadable for all regions, the second game (Burnout Paradise) is region locked. Xbox One system doesnt know what to tell you, and gives you generic "cannot download" message. While Xbox360 is more informative and says straigh away "You are trying to download region locked content.
And why in 2016 year (2017) do we have region locked content? Also, Burnout paradise sells dozens of DLC for ridiculous amount of money and after you buy it - it doesnt work.
I am amazed that this person is responsible for making such great games as Populous3, Black and White and more, yet for the last decade all his games sucks.
Instead of going back making great strategy games, really inovative, original, he is trying to adapt to the Xbox market with Fable, to Mobile market with Godus (all the pay2win or more accurately - pay2play).
From all my heart I am really sad for what path this person chose, he is very talented by looking at what he did in the 90's.
Zeevs86's comments