What about fixing all these 249 Backward Compatibility games that were already released? Only one works well and it is Red Dead Redemption. All of the other games have serious FPS, freezing, sound issues.
@me3639: Thats strange. I like his reviews but it doesnt mean that all of them are 100% correct.
Titanfall 2 campaign is the most challenging game I have played in past few years (FPS genre).
AI sometimes do dumb decisions, but they are scripted very well in teams and attack from all flanks. Developers picked good strategy that caused me to fail some stages at many levels many times and try to pick a different aproach, which is not a common case in FPS genre.
@slappy54: I have played Doom. Believe me, despite the fact that I have enjoyed Doom a lot, Titanfall 2 has a very challenging, more original and crazy levels than Doom.
Both are really awesome games, but picking only one side is not a clever move if you are a real gamer.
By the way, I have got a "Game over" screen more in Titanfall 2 campaign than in Doom playing at identical difficulty level.
Best FPS single player campaign I have played in years. Too bad that this game got less customers than Battlefield 1. These two games deserves the same respect, and I have them both!
Can some one please explain me. I am playing Destiny from day 1, with many breaks there and here, but everytime I come back to a new expansion I am promised new content, and I find myself playing the same old and small skirmish maps. This game is two years old, with three expansions, and it still has the same old maps on every playlist. Why?
Funny thing. Got beta for Gears of War 4, got key for Fallout4 Forza6 car TODAY, but still did not get any Alan Wake backwards compatibility and Quantum Break Windows 10 PC codes.
What bullshit will Microsoft sell us this year at the E3? Time will tell... Backwards compatibility? tried many games, all of them work with low fps and stutters. Have less games than on my PS4 but everytime I search for more disk space. Bought racing game for 80 bucks and will get it on PC for free. Still waiting for my Quantum Break PC code more than one week.
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