@nl_skipper: Exactly. And like I said in another post, with CP2077 taking place in city/urban settings you don't need the level of rendering power required by TW3 as you're not rendering waving grass, trees, water, etc etc. Graphics elitists will always condescend but at this point graphics are the least of my concerns. Its the possibility of just how great a fully realized and immersive world CDPR is shooting for that has me stoked.
@olddadgamer: Which is why I don't think "dated" graphics will be an issue for anyone but the PC graphics elitists: with CP2077 being set in city/urban environments you're (for the most part) rendering/animating static/inorganic objects vs a sea of waving grass, winds blowing through the limbs of trees, water, clouds, etc. What excites me about CDRed's claims regarding their level of ambition is just how fully a realized world they're looking to create. Which also connects to their admiration for R*.
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