Man o many fond memories of FFVII: from seeing it for the first time in a Gamestop (I think) store window; the first time I summoned Bahamut; the first time I gained access to the Highwind; that scene; Uematsu's amazing score: the rising and falling notes of the main theme.
Unfortunately, my instincts say this is very likely going to be as much of a development nightmare as XV. Square will be second-guessing what "we" want at every turn. And as much as most of us could never go back to the graphics of the original, it's those same graphics that (only in hindsight) define part of its inherent charm.
Personally, I'm far too old to be wearing rose-colored glasses over a video game I played over 20 years ago.
As someone else wisely suggested in another post, best thing to do is forget this project even exists until Square announces a [concrete] release date.
Wherein a hopelessly nostalgic fanbase awaits the resurrection of what was once wondrous and beautiful, in a naive hope that what is raised will any way resemble it.
"Sometimes dead is bettah." (in thick Maine accent) Jud Crandall
@grasu: Thank you. Just got around to playing DA:I couple of months ago. It's a fantastic game. Perfect? No...Nothing is. As you say, it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but to cvall it "shite" is flat-out ignorant. So many entitled (man) children these days.
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