Zeppelin12592's forum posts
No problem... By the way, when you get to an elevator, your at the last firefight. Make sure you have frags, and smoke grenades. Also a light machine gun. theres an equipment crate right when you get off the elevator.Frenzyd109
Cool ill keep my eyes open for the crate and im pritty sure i have frags and smokes but i dont have a light machine gun thanks for the help once again.
my friend said everything u just said word for word even the thing about final fantasy but if my bro wants to pitch in some money since its my bday than i could probably get both but bioshock wont be the LE version just regular but if i have to get one it will be bioshock.I love the Darkness it was so gorey and yet emotioanl the same time(i haven't cried like that sinceSephirothkilled Aeris back in FFVII which is weird because i never played the FF games.) I suggest get both if you have the money. (unlees you getting the LE Bioshock). The Darkness will make a great game for your collection
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