Gentlemen and ladies, I saw The Dark Knight last evening at a midnight showing. It was glorious and just behind Wall E as the best film of the year. Copious amounts of alcohol for everyone!
From now on, how about we just ignore the fact that this even exists and go watch Van Hellsing? It wasn't that bad, and from the looks of it it was more of a Castlevania movie than this.
I spent the weekend reading all of the Hellboy trades, the Abe Sapien mini, several B.P.R.D. storylines, and even Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus, to get ready for The Golden Army, and then my plans went wonky. D:
Take the bloods... and is sweet :D .. but... you... you.... YOU STARTED!!! you can not tease a women with wine and chocolate like that... You have to know that is WRONG!!! c`mon you DO NOT do that... not even the belmonts would do that to a vampress...
*sends familiars to Zero* ..... *cerberous.. ALL of them... obey and stayed foot*
ATTACK!!!! he has broken a HUGE rule... DO NOT tease with wine and CHOCOLATE!!! EVER!!!
persephone get ready... you`ll ahve to clean a bit.... I guess that a lil mess was going to come at some point...
Have not done much but work today.. so... ZERO... give me some of your magic ....
also some chocolate needed from teh snack car
I just recieved a bottle of 1887 Chateau de Boisclaireau(a lovely year, wonderful stuff), and a package of chocolate truffles from Germany's Black Forest(the best money can buy). Unfortunately those are all for me, so have this packet of blood and a chocolate bar. Anyone needs me I'll be in the back getting drunk.
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