ZeroWingEvil91's forum posts
Gentlemen! You may rejoice for your god has returned!
Been away from Gamespot for a few months for, well really no particular reason, but do not despair children, for I'm back and I'm staying this time. With a new classic Mega Man title and two new Casltevania games(one looking good, the other not) on the way I'm going to be here much more often.
And hello to the new members, too. You can leave your gifts and tributes to me by the door.
Started playing two games over the weekend: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney and Trilby the Art of Theft. Both are great games, but for some reason my save files for Trilby keep disappearing.
Saw Superbad and Shoot 'Em Up this last Friday. Superbad gets points for having the gayest credits sequence ever and Shoot 'Em Up is possibly the manliest film I've ever seen.
The Ace Attorney series has the best damn soundtracks ever. No question.
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