Uh guys. Turns out the truck delivering the boose fell off the side of a cliff. Also the supplier I ordered from refuses to deliver here, because the idea of entering a horrible swamp of evil and nastiness is too terrifying to them.
Beat Bioshock last night. Yahtzee Crenshaw's complaints about the endings(you either end up a happy flower child, friend to all nature, or an evil wh*re) were pretty much on the spot. The endings suck.
Finished the second case in Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations and I've just started on the third. Stupid sexy Godot.
Watched Dobutsu no Mori, the Animal Crossing film, last night. It was just too cute to dislike.
I started on Bioshock the other day. I generally despise FPS's, but I'm actually enjoying this.
Saw I am Legend the other day. The ending was... awful. To say the least. But it was worth it, if just to see the full trailer for The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger is starting to look like damn good choice for the Joker.
Currently listening to Around the World by Daft Punk.
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