Oh, don't get me wrong. I liked it. It was a rather satisfying conclusion to the story, but it was just incredibly long and drawn out. 30 minutes is too damn long for an ending.
hmmmm... Zero: Is it this one? I enjoy anime, so i can get it for one of this days.. i may watch it in 2 times :lol: but... :P Thxchang_1910Why yes it is.
Still playing Dragon Quest VIII, I've got one dungeon left(The Black Citadel) and a ton of grinding to do before I attempt to take it on.
Mastir: you lost me there... :?and for god sake could someone please tell me how is "Dracula begins and Simon" going to work?? :cry: They are going to ruin it :evil: chang_1910It won't work. This movie is going to fail massively.
[QUOTE="ZeroWingEvil91"]I started playing Dragon Quest VIII again. I'm gonna beat it this time, damn it!chang_1910I think I have heard (read) that before.... :PGood luck :) I hope you do it this time...Indeed I will. I'm actually making progress this time.
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