ZeroWingEvil91's forum posts
Sorry we're out. We've got thirteen different flavors of blood and a keg of Ginger Ale though... *shudders* gah... ginger ale. The drink of Satan himself. Disgusts me just thinkin' about it.*catches the leg and stares blankly at it* Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*throws the leg back at Chang* you can have it back, i dont want it...this place is nuts.*sits down at the bar* Barkeep! I want a pint of your finest Ale.
Wait a minute. Did Chang just rip Gregg's leg off? Dammit Chang, no more blood for you!
Squeeeee! Umm... I'm just gonna go off to be alone now. Cold showers, Zero.... just think of cold showers... not working! Gah!The_Vampress
nice teaser.... about :? i just keep getting an error page :shock: is this "error" suppose to have something.. should i look for my glasses :lol: :Pchang_1910Highlight the entire page and you'll find quite a bit of hidden text.
I was browsing one of my favorite news sites earlier today and guess what, they've been posting pictures from Comic Con, one of which is of the new Alucard and Dracula(complete with Peeping Eye accesory). Follow the link for the pic.
I really need to get around to watching Transformers.i have not watch harry, yet. No a big fan, but i guess i would see it eventually (one of my friend love the movies)
On the other hand i watch The Transformers :D:D:D GREat movie, i thought there was just going to be great effect, but it hs that + is funny + good plot (of nothing that you would not expect, autobots vs de... fighting for The Cube.) so is worth it without a doubt :D:D
ZERO: Here is the a trusted (imo) site:
Batman: the Dark Knight i guess i`m not the only one excited about this one :D
and to everyone interested with this.. here are some teaser from One
Now... i guess is time for some updates in the Comic universe of movies...
so here it is, all thx to my trusted source of comic`s movies eFavata
Wolverine gets a director:
Watchmen has a cast.. (for you Zero.. just in case u did not know.. )Sin City 2 Cancel?? no.. stalled?? yeap...maybe...
Enjoy :D
Check for a high definition version of The Dark Knight teaser, and some rather creepy writing. And Chang, check out Make sure to highlight the entire page. If you look hard enough you'll get a nice little surprise.
Not looking forward to Wolverine or Magneto. X Men 3 sucked too hard.
I'm pretty disappointed with the Watchmen cast. Ozymandias and Nite Owl need to have their actors switched, Jeffrey Dean is a little too young to play The Comedian, and Simon Pegg is the only man who could properly play Rorschach.
Never saw Sin City, not bothering with the sequel.
I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last week. It's a Harry Potter movie so obviously the budget had more money than god and it was a **** visual masterpiece. The story was lacking(just like the books), though. Anyways, I enjoyed it, and that's all that matters. Now I just have to wait until next November for the Half-Blood Prince.
Also! The first teaser trailer for The Dark Knight popped up on the internets today. Unfortunately, the teaser didn't show anything other than the film's logo crumbling, revealing a Joker card in the process. BUT, you also get to hear a couple lines from the movie, including Heath Ledger as The Joker(he sounds a helluva lot like Beetlejuice). You'll have to look it up on Youtube, and fast as Warner Bros. is removing it for copyright reasons.
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