ZERO: i would have to look about this watchmen guy.. u sound so excited... any link??
I use Firefox so it'd take too long to post a link but there's plenty of information about the film and the original comic on Wikipedia. Zach Snyder is set to direct and Gerard(sp?) Butler is going to have a role in it. It'll be 300 with super-heroes instead of Spartans, basically. Only it's not 300. It's The Watchmen. One of the most beloved comics of all time. I've never read the entire book(I don't own a copy), but what I have read is pretty damn good. I have high hopes for this film.
They're making a Watchmen movie.... Holy $%@&, I don't know if I should happy for this or going, "BAWWW! It'll suck!" For god's sake, it's The Watchmen! The Holy Grail of comic books! You can't adapt it without making a good movie, making a good adaptation though.... the odds are slim.
.....%^$# Sony. %^&* them right up the @$$. I've decided to get an X-Box 360, and I hate X-Box! But at least it's actually getting games I want to play(Blue Dragon) and won't completely screw me over(red ring of death, perhaps, but at least I can get it replaced if that happens). I liked the Playstation and completely loved the PS2, but now I could just care less.
"Anderson has described the movie as "Dracula Begins." As Variety puts it, the story reportedly begins as a Transylvanian knight leads his men into a gothic castle to seek refuge from the Turkish army. The knights soon discover the castle is controlled by the original vampire. The action sets up a generational clash between Vlad the Impaler and the Belmont family, a clan that unleashed the original vampire and seeks to destroy him."
Well... Leon was a knigth that goes into the castle to look for his lover... i guess that this time he is going without any knowing of anything. And it seem he would not be related to anyone (Walter..) Or could this be a story before Leon belmont??? :shock: :?
That's it, if they try to go back before Leon's story, I'm going to say $^%& it, and not bother seeing it.
Looks like we're getting new translations for SotN. No more of the old funny ones?!? That's good and bad... wonder if the saturn areas will be added...?
New translation? So no more,"What is a man, but a misserable little pile of secrets.,"? I'm sad now.
Uh Chang? That's not a Castlevania character. We had a thread about it a few months back where it was pointed out(by me!) that this was from a manga cover painted by Ayami Kojima. The manga had nothing to do with Castlevania as it was from the early 2000's at least, and there hasn't been any official Castlevania manga since SotN, none of which involved art by Ms. Kojima.
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