@Spartan_418 Got a 660 ti myself and have no doubt you'll be able to run this np. You likely won't get a solid 60 fps with every setting cranked to max but it'll be smooth and look great. And if you want to eek out a few more frames you can OC the cpu and card (especially if it's a MSI power edition).
Love Nvidia but the announcement of so many new gaming devices set to arrive this year is starting to worry me. If it's cheap then that's cool, but I'm not liking this at all. Seems too gimmicky.
I have the strangest feeling that they're going to add a lot of pointless dialogue, characters who weren't there that will detract from the story, and otherwise take a masterful game and transform it into an otherwise forgettable addition to horrible film adaptations of games. Hope I'm wrong.
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