"We don't think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer". Jim Ryan again? No, considering the pricing structre of PS Now and the price increase of Plus, it is Sony after all...
@dudebropartyyo: But your point has some problems:
1 - less than 1% of PC players have a better than Scorpio PC. Check Steam Data. Maybe you're under 1%, but not the world;
2 - by your logic, developers should keep their game with up to 100 cars only. Options. I enjoy playing every racing genre and test car options among them;
3 - resolution and performance is just a single factor. But FORZA 7 is far superior in every other, from sound design to online features. I would probably keep saying Forza is better.
But you could buy an Xbox for many other reasons. Ex. 1 - BEST exclusive game in most genres (check metacritic): FPS, racing, TPS, fighting, driving, RTS, Rythm/Musical etc.; 2 - best services, like EA Access, Xbox Game Pass, MODS freedom, crossplay, backwards compability etc; 3 - best online network, considering most of our gaming time has an online feature. But try to convince yourself it isn't a better plataform. Psychology explains...
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