Everyday a better Xbox One. Nice to see. Recently, DICE said Battlefield 4 would be better on Xbox One. Not just "better with Kinect" that it will use. The reason is DirectX 11, a Microsoft Instrument. Keep going.
@bignick217 I agree with you. My thought is just the lack of absolute control over what is published (indie or not). This is what can deceive and harm consumers.
Just remember that only a small portion of players uses specialized sites, like Gamespot. Often will make acquisitions without knowing what they are buying. So it´s important to have a minimum quality control.
Yes, I do. My doubt is about these new features. Actually Battlelog is static. Next gen needs something always connected to function, like Commander mode. I know that smartglass functions well with other games with functions like that. I just expect Sony not to force us to buy a Vita for it.
DICE announced that BF4 will use some next gen features, like smartglass (that's now native integrated on Xbox) and Kinect. Some playing modes, like Commander, will use it all.
Actual Battlelog don't use it to show information on the map and allied player positions. Next gen will. It's not static information anymore. Is it difficult to understand? Want me to draw for you?
Zicoroen's comments