@megakick Yes you are right they are far more profitable and supported by the industry, Nintendo that is.
I never was a fan of better graphics=better product, the WII is good enough it should have had 3 things tho HDMI,basic 720p support and a non IR based motion control system. But going cheap is what made the WII sell like hotcakes. Can they do it again? I dunno but it beats the pants off trying to sell a 500$ unit at a 100$ loss. It took MS years to make the Xbox/Xbox 360 profitable and Sony is nearly a wreck due to bad console and consumer electronics decisions so at the end of the day Nin going cheap is what the industry needs right now so prices,the market and the economy recover.
Suikogaiden yes yes they do, that's how the console market has worked for the past decade or 2. They sell the hardware at a loss as so they can sell it to more people while selling more games, it tends to work but it took forever to make the 360 profitable and the PS3 just started to make a profit a year or so ago. The WII was sold more than it cost to make it making Nin the most profitable one out of the lot.
@Dragon_Nexus Not really, use Twin snakes engie and models,ect just the sound and cut scenes from MGS 1. Doing anything less means its spam and not a quality release and Kojima cared about....... its just crap spoon fed to the masses ><
ZippyDSMLee's comments