@Dragon_Nexus SH HDC was a joke and msot of the new games are a joke. MGS HD is missing the wonderfully orchestrated MGS 1 and MGS 1:Twin Snakes. How the hell did they manage to mess that up?
@NVDuy Essentially todays games are made under the lowest standard of quality and depth, a good game today is just a mediocre game 15+ years ago. While Halo,Bioshock,ect are not crap they are held down and far from great.
@Ferg1213 Best? No, best of the times...not so much. The standard of AAA games(which grows lower every 2 years) pretty much.
Sadly like most modern games its more film than game, with out a solid gameplay narrative and reasonably deep mechanics its just another movie game you have to pause a lot. But don't worry its not just Gears, Halo,COD,BIoshock and every other A-AAA title are lacking as they are rushed fodder.
ZippyDSMLee's comments