The WIIU is a mess I was all for and excited about the WII but with the realization that it was a bit shallow the WIIU is coming off as the 32X.
Then again the 3DS is doing well and that sorry POS is selling well and apple hardware revisions sale well so you never know what the zombie public will gobble up.
@ScreamDream They were the ones to set that crazy price tag, and the PS2 components are under 50$, its very doable but consumers demand less for more money....
@FreakAche I know I know but looking at how the amrket works and a big title like Ninja Gaiden its just so easy to have no hope in them not watering stuff down ;_;
@Opstinger Level design, layouts in particular was crap I did like you could go back but it was too small and too bland. Combat was solid enough but could have been a bit deeper. Story was crap but no less nonsensical than any other 3D CV game LOL.
Basically I would like to See Curse of darkness with Zeldas level design and LOS combat but with combos to 4 or 6 different weaopn types(light/heavy sword, light/heavy metal knuckle, Light/heavy whip, light/heavy glave,ect,ect ) .More sub weaopns and more sub weapon combos.Really tho The last 3D CV game I was impressed with was on the N64 sure it had issues but hell it was awesome. LOI/COD and now LOS are trying to hard to be lite action games than 3D equivalents of the flagship 2D CV portable games.
I guess at best I could call it like I pretty much call most new media its half right but missing to many things for me to be pleased with it(Bioshock comes to mind as another highly rated title I found to many holes in).
ZippyDSMLee's comments