@howie1926 Excellent? Who's trolling who? The game was bland for a AAA title, sure it did not suck but it was generic as fudge. Its no better than Lament of innocence or Curse of darkness no worse either. Now the combat was a bit better but that is all it had going for it. Level design and everything else was fo-bared.
@JBL81 Every other 2D CV game is a mess, its kinda like some of the MM games just generic trash. They get the 3D CV games half right but do not follow through. They did to do it more like a Zelda game in scope and not some action adventure hybrid.
@Norrie91 No thanks I already have 5 consoles why do I need another one, just for new stuff? No thanks, BWC or go home its the least they can do on a 300+ unit.
ZippyDSMLee's comments